Chapter 2 | The Case of Max Peterson

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    "So, I know this is gonna sound like any other time , but please just solve this case soon cause I have paperwork and tons of it . Plus I need to get my Hair treatment done today if you remember." Jasmine said breaking the peaceful silence .

    'Of course it's not like you have been talking about it non-stop for the past 30 minutes' Chris thought while rolling his eyes in amusement . Jasmine was a drama queen if he was being honest . Sometimes he wondered how she managed to become a senior detective such as himself .

   Not that he underestimated her capabilities. 

   They finally arrived on the scene . Chris and Jasmine wear their gloves . Chris wears his sunglasses , because the sun was harmful for his vampire eyes .

     They went to the reporting Officer in charge . "Ahh Detectives , over here!"

    They went and greeted 'Officer Nicholas Jones , who mostly went by Nick. Jasmine asked : "So Nick , what do we have ?"

    They went over to a body , that was splattered on the ground like a sheesh kabab , with a little blood here and there . Nick replied : "The body was identified based on his ID in his wallet , as Max Peterson , 23, no signs of struggle, or any wounds from basic investigation . From what I assume is this is a simple suicide case."

   Jasmine was impressed and said : "You should try for detective Nick." , Nick blushed and said : "Nah I am fine with being an Officer."

   They both noticed that Chris was quite . Chris suddenly spoke up : "I don't think this a suicide."

  "What ?" Nick and Jasmine asked simultaneously confused. 

   Chris stood up , he had been observing the body . He spoke up again saying : "He is 24, yet if you notice he has some white hair , lots of it , a sign of fear or anxiety . Plus look at his facial expression , it doesn't look as if he was sad , and no sign of dried up tears . Something else is going on here."

   Jasmine got on to what Chris was on about. She said : "Yeah your right . And look at his shoes , they seem ripped . It's like he was running and stumbling a lot . Which means that he was running from...."

    "someone" Chris concluded . Nick was confused but decided to let them do their work . He wouldn't be lying if he said he was in awe. 

   Suddenly one of the other officers came up and said : "Detectives , we found some footage from the buildings CCTV camera and i think the case has been solved."

    Chris and Jasmine exchanged a look of surprise . That was easier than expected . They followed the other officer along with Nick into the security room and saw the footage .

   It showed the victim , Max Peterson , walking up the stairs from the ground floor towards the top roof . Max proceeded to move past various cameras , and he seemed to ignore everything, suddenly he feel to the floor and hit his hand . 

    He ignored it , and went further up . Until at last he opened the balcony door of the roof top and stepped outside .

   That was it . The officers then looked at the Detectives expectantly . Chris spoke up first : "At right this is definitely a murder . Something else was going on."

   Jasmine agreed and said : "Yeah , I have my fair share of suicide cases and in each case the victim always cries , and here it seems like he was under something ?"

   "Hypnosis ? Drugs ?" Chris questioned .

   Jasmine replied : "Maybe . This is definitely not a suicide . Otherwise why not kill himself at home with all due respect."

    Another officer arrived and said : "Sir , i got an address . He lives at Driscoll Avenue about 10 minutes away from here ."

   Chris and Jasmine smirked . They had been proved correct . Nick and his fellow officer were bewildered  and before everyone knew it they had drove towards Max's house .

   The first thing they noticed was that the back door was open . The cops immediately took out their guns and so did Jasmine .

    The Detectives proceeded inside and saw the entire place trashed . But that's not what caught their attention the most . Their was another dead body . This time of a dead women . 

   The disturbing part was that the body was wet and drenched , as if it had been dipped in water. Then someone had hung the body on the corner of a ceiling with nails and ropes.

   They went closer and Chris found a note , he opened it up and read it out loud : 

"🎵The itsy-bitsy spider

Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again🎵

    "What the fudge ?!" Jasmine gasped . This was most certainly not a suicide case anymore . It was either Double Homicide case , or a case of Murder of 1st Degree , and then suicide for guilt .

     Chris said : "I need an ID for this women . Find out if she had any connections with Max Peterson , including a history of both of their Phone Calls ."

   "Roger that !" Nick said and went outside to make some calls .

   Suddenly Jasmine's phone rang and she picked it up and talked to whoever it was . Suddenly she halted and said out loud : "Wait what ?! Really ?!"

   Chris was observing the body looking for any signs of struggle , checking her nails for sign of any DNA , he checked her pupils , they were dilated . 'Interesting' he thought .

  Suddenly Jasmine spoke up : "Chris we found something new on Max . You will never guess what it is".

  "What ?" Chris asked interested .

  "They managed to get an audio of Chris when he was in the building . And he was singing Humpty Dumpty poem on loop."

    "Another poem ?" Chris was confused then realization dawned on his face . 

   "The killer is killing them based on the poems itself !. Humpty Dumpty is about falling from the wall , which could be interpreted as the building , and itsy bitsy spider is about the rain , which is  why the body was wet , and hung up like a spider ."

   Jasmine had the  urge to puke when she realized it too. They couldn't find any solid leads though . There was only one thing left . Jasmine gave Chris the look , and he recognized it almost immediately . 

   Chris slowly exhaled and looked around and thankfully everyone was outside save for Jasmine. He then turned . His eyes turned he shade of Dark Blood Red bright eyes , his fangs formed, and his normal human appearance changed into one of a vampire. 

   He immediately got to work a took some blood that was on the floor and smelled it and the girl. And he immediately found the direction from where she had come from , but that wasn't all, he found the scent of Max's blood in the room , but more shockingly a smell of a third person who was present that fateful night .

   Chris turned to Jasmine and said : "We may have found our killer ."

  Jasmine just grinned , mostly because she knew now she could go to the Salon on time and she wouldn't have to get a refund .


              END OF CHAPTER 2


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