Chapter 7 | The Confrontation

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     Jasmine was inside looking at something . Meanwhile the imposter slowly came behind her . With malicious intent.

    Jasmine did not in fact notice his razer sharp fangs nor his transformed state.

   The imposter knew The real Chris was far away , and he wouldn't be able to make it in time to save her . 

    The imposter without second thoughts spoke up with his own real voice : "Well well well what do we have here ?" He said in a cold but dark voice . His own voice.

  This didn't startle Jessica , she just lay there . The imposter continued : "Aren't you surprised ?  Gonna say anything before you die ?"

   Jessica finally spoke up and said : "Oh I knew you weren't Chris ."

   She stood up with a smirk plastered on her face . The imposter looked at her amused and asked : "Oh really ? Then And how is that ?"

   Jasmine grinned and said : "I know Chris better than anyone else. And he wouldn't cry over threats . And the biggest indicator ? Chris is a stubborn emo Vamp. He wouldn't listen to my blabbering if my life were really in danger ."

  The Imposter began to laugh wickedly and said : "Your either really smart or a dumb b!tch !"

   Jessica had a scowl on her face now . 

   He continued : "Why didn't you escape ? Not like you could . Oh well not like I care ."

    This time Jessica was amused and replied : "Oh If I had then I wouldn't have had a chance to kill you myself b!tch."

    The imposter replied : "Oh mortal what could you possibly do instead of crying like the pathetic women you are ?"

   To reply Jessica took out her gun and pointed it at him . This time the imposter laughed really loud and that began to annoy Jessica to no end .

   He asked while laughing : "You think a simple inferior bullet could hurt me ? An Enhanced Immortal Vampire ?! You make me laugh."

   Jessica didn't bother to reply and she shot at him fully knowing that the vampire in front of her had a huge ego and wouldn't move out of the way just prove his point .

   The bullet hit his chest and pierced through him and a very , very dark shade of red blood came out . The imposter grinned but then suddenly he doubled over and fell down and vomited blood.

   He looked genuinely surprised and said : "Wha- ... How?! YOU ! What did you do !?"

  Jessica flipped her hair and replied : "Well these aren't ordinary bullets . They are Holy Bullets . Basically drowned in Holy Water . In short , these bullets kick Vamp a$$ !".

   She fired again , but this time the imposter got out of the way and in inhuman speed lunged at Jessica and grabbed her by the throat .

   Jessica dropped the gun in shock , and then The imposter or rather serial killer ? Began to choke her with a death grip.

   "Any last words ?" The serial killer asked .

   Jessica replied while choking : "Y...Ye..Yeah ....B..Behind ...Y..Yo..Behind You !"

    The serial killer suddenly turned back curiously but he was met with a punch to the face that literally sent him flying towards the roof and hitting the ceiling .Hard.

   Jessica coughed and tried to take her breath . Soon she got up and said : "Took you long enough. I was about die . For real."

  She looked at Chris with a grin . Chris sighed . Of course why was he even surprised . It was Jasmine -_-

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