0; stained memories

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-Love Scars - Trippie Red is playing...-

"Jean, for fuck sake turn down your emo music!"

-Your voice echoed across the halls as you stomped your way into his shared bedroom. The brunette who laid down on his bed watching TV while bopping his head back and forth to the music blasting aloud on his black JBL speaker.

"Don't turn it off!" He quickly shot up from his position and took a hold of your hand that hovered over the volume button. You looked up at his taller figure that towered over you. A foolish grin spread across his face but slowly dropped when he saw you taking off a slipper.

"Let go of my hand." You commanded as you gripped onto the shoe in hand causing little creases to form on the material. Jean steadily began releasing your hand, his face displaying fear as you stared deeply into his hazel eyes. "Please don't."

"Hey! You guys! [Name]! Have you seen my blue hoodie?!" Sasha interrupted the two of you. Jean slowly smiled and exhaled loudly as relief took over his body. 

"Sasha you've been looking for that blue hoodie since last week, give it a break." Connie entered the room, hands stuffed into his pockets as he leaned on the door frame. A slow exhale left Sasha's lips as she began frowning.

"By the way, you guys know Eren is throwing a party right?" Connie uttered, you all quirked a brow as curious expressions formed on your faces.

"For real? Why so suddenly though?" Sasha inquired.

"No idea, but if you guys are going then I'll go too." He shrugged, his fingers slowly twirling around the growing hair on his scalp.

"Why not, if Mikasa's there, then I'm going." Jean grinned. You facepalmed but let his statement slide by.

"Is there food?"

"Well of course, and since you guys are going then I'll go." You nodded your head. Connie parted his lips, as if he wanted to say something, yet he appeared hesitant.

"Uhm..." He began.

"Hange's going."

"Oh." You let out, your emotions twisting to disappointment and disapproval. "Fuck, why do they have to go?"

"I thought you moved on?" Jean raised. Sasha and Connie nodded their heads with stern looks on their faces.

You sighed and leaned on the desk in Jeans room. "Well, I did, I just don't wanna see them again... After what they did."

"Can't argue against that reasoning... But if you don't go then I'm not going." Sasha's arms sat crossed against her chest. Your eyes widened for a moment, amusement evident in your reaction.

"No! I didn't say I wasn't gonna go though!" You lightly chuckled. Sasha breathed out in relief, a smile curving on her lips.

"So? When does it start?"


"Dang! Is that Mikasa?" Jean's jaw instantly dropped as he set his eyes upon the Raven haired girl who was busy having a chat with Armin.

"Not even two seconds into the party Jean..." Connie sighed.

"But as soon as you find that girl you were thirsting over on Instagram there's no problem, huh?" Jean clapped back, his lips forming a straight line. Connie's face instantly turned red, his lips sucked in as he fought back a smile.

"Aaaaand? What are you gonna do about it bitch boy? It's been ten years and you can't make a move."

"Damn me personally..."

The bickering continued, you and Sasha taking it as a form of entertainment. With each insult getting more aggressive and personal.

"HOW DO YOU HAVE FOUR PLUS FOUR CARDS?!" A voice echoed across the party. Instant silence washed over the crowd as everyone broke their necks to get a glimpse of what was happening.

There, Armin and Reiner, arguing over an Uno game. Armin's fist rested on the table clenched tightly while his other hand gripped his parted honey blonde hair. A curse left his mouth as he stared down at the cards.

"I'm sorry, guess you're gonna have to do the dare or take the shot..." Reiner let out a low raspy chuckle. Armin rolled his eyes in response as he took a shot glass handed to him by Bertolt.

He stared at the contents of the glass, a lump forming on his throat which he was quick to swallow. He closed his eyes and tipped the glass inside of him mouth. The bitter burning
liquid ran down his oesophagus slowly, his eyes shut tightly, wrinkles forming around the area of tension.

"What the hell are those guys doing?" Connie rhetorically asked.

"Playing Uno, also you guys have been here all this time and haven't bothered to say hello?" A sudden voice appeared behind.

There, the tall dark haired male with freckles stood with a small smile on his face. You all lit up.



"You dumbass, I told you not to drink so much..."

-Two voices could be heard coming from the bathroom.

Your footsteps came to a halt. A sudden feeling of unease taking over your emotions. To you, those two voices sounded far too familiar to ignore... Yet, you couldn't figure out whose voices they belonged to.

"Don't be so harsh on them, Levi..."

"I wanna go hoooome" A far too familiar voice came by. You froze on the spot, your body standing in place as you listened to the conversation.

A clicking sound killed the silence and the three people walked out of the washrooms. One was tall, bulky with a soft look on his face. The other was quite the opposite, short, a little lean and clearly irritated by the person he carried on his back.

In a drunken state on the shorter males back laid an unforgettable person. A person that stained your memories, no matter how hard you tried to forget about them.

Signature messy pony tail, glistening glasses and eccentric personality. There they were.

Hange Zoe...

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