Cha Nakyeon

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A crying sound woke us up-me and my wife that is. Realizing that last night was quite a though night for my wife, I told her to just lay down and relax since it's morning already.

I walk to our baby's bedroom and look at the little baby boy that is lying on the soft mattress. I picked him up as his loud sobs turn into sniffles, "hey there~ aww~ why are you crying~? It's ok, daddy's here~" I cooed softly and peck his cheeks.

He giggled a little and he held onto my shoulders. "Are you hungry~? Want some bananas?" I ask him. He just giggled and blew a raspberry. "I'll take that as a yes!"

I walk towards the kitchen with the little guy's head on my shoulders. "Bam~ ba bam~ ba bam~ ba bam~" I looked at him and raised a brow, "who taught you that?" "HYUKKIE!! UKKIE!!" He yelled excitedly while clapping his hands.

I laughed and picked a banana but he squealed and scrunch up his face while shaking his head. I raised an eyebrow again, "then what do you want?" He wiggled to get down and I did what he wanted.

He walk to the fridge and tap it, I help him open it and he pointed at a banana milk, "유!! 우유!! (Uyu//milk)" I laughed and picked up a bottle, "aigoo kiddo~ you are just like me~" I poured the content of the banana milk to his milk bottle.

I sat on the couch as he climbed himself up to my lap and sat there. He reached for the bottle and put it in his mouth as he start drinking the milk, he pointed at the tv. I turn the tv on and change the channels, he suddenly squealed and tap my hand to stop changing.

I looked at the tv and saw my face on it, it was a replay of our diary back in 2013. He put his bottle down and point at the tv while slightly jumping, "APPA!! APPA!!" He squealed and clung onto my neck.

He jumped excitedly and giggled. I looked at the clock and it showed that it's still 9 am and it's saturday, "well... your uncles won't be coming over until 1 pm... I'll wake your mom up... stay here ok?" He nod with his eyes still glued on the tv.

I walk towards our room and saw my beautiful wife still sleeping on the bed-hair messy, blanket covering half of her body, and she was wearing my button up shirt.

I chuckled and went over to sit next to her body. I peck her head lightly, "wakey wakey~"

At first, she only groan but then I start poking her back and twirl her hair gently. But instead of waking up, she hit my face with a pillow and muttered, "fck you Hakyeon I need my beauty sleep".

Yes... that my friend is my wife... while everyone get a sweet and caring wife, I got a freaking wolverine.

I got up and use my secret weapon.

I walked towards Nakyeon who was jumping to our song, 'Rock ur Body'. I sat on the sofa and simply said, "Nakyeon-ah, go wake mommy up" Nakyeon grinned and waddle-run towards our bedroom.

I quickly cover my ears once the little tyke gets inside.

"엄마 이러나!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 배~~~~~~ 고파~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! (MOM WAKE UP! I'M HUNGRY!)" His loud scream could wake the entire apartment building. I chuckled towards myself as I watch Nakyeon and Nana-ah walked out from the bedroom.

Nakyeon had a grinning face on while Nana was almost literally boring holes into my head, "I'll kill you later" she muttered and walked towards the kitchen.

Nakyeon sat himself on my lap again while finishing his milk. He played with my hands and muttered, "까만... (Kkaman//black)"

I could've sworn my face grew dark(er) at that word, "Nakyeon... who taught you that?" Instead of giving me a name, he only said "o~~~~ttokaji~~~~~~?" While shaking his head and the face of that idiot popped up into my head.

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