Jung Taekjin

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"WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A crying sound blew the whole dorm as 5 guys were in the corner-not knowing what to do.

"Ohmygosh what should we do!?!?" "I don't know! Don't ask me! I've tried making funny faces but he just kept crying!!" "We're so toast..." "he's gonna flip us" "we're dead..."

As the 5 kept bickering, another one popped out from the bathroom.

"WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO!?" he exclaimed loudly.

The 5 gasp and jumped at the sound. Slowly, they turned their head to the angry lion.

"I bathe for 10 minutes and you can't keep my baby from wailing?" He muttered lowly which was scary.

The other 5 could only put on an awkward smile. The lion sighed and went to his baby.

He picked the crying baby and craddled him and a smile slowly appears on his face, "there there Taekjin~ daddy's here~" he cooed and slowly, the baby's cries turn into sniffles and finally a small giggle came out.

Among the 6 members of VIXX, Leo was the only one that has settled down with someone. And because of his fatherly nature, everyone would have expected that he'd have a baby soon.

Leo's wife was currently gone for a business trip so Leo decided to stay with VIXX until his wife came back and so his little baby could have bonding time with his uncles.

Leo put his baby down on the floor of the living room as Hyuk sprawled next to the baby. The members are fond towards the baby but none of them knew how to take care of him.

Leo was preparing Taekjin's food with N on the kitchen. As they were cooking, a loud squeal was heard from the living room.

Leo quickly ran to the living room, "WHAT HAPPENED!?" "T-taekjin! H-he-" before Ken could explain, Leo saw that Taekjin was on both of his feet.

He quickly took his phone out and start taking a video. He sat close to Taekjin while holding his left hand out, "come on Taekjin! Come to appa! Come here~"

Taekjin slowly let go of the sofa that he was holding for support and step out. But he failed and fall but luckily was being held back by Ken.

Leo stopped the video and sent it to his wife.

He picked Taekjin-who was blowing raspberries-up. He poke his son's cheek lightly and smile, "that's my big baby~" he cooed.

Taekjin giggled and burried his face in Leo's neck.

He put his son on a baby chair and N helped him prepare Taekjin's food.

"Hyung, can I feed him?" Hyuk said. Leo just nod and sat down on his place while the members sat on their place and they start to eat.

Hyuk was feeding Taekjin while making funny faces at him so he would open his mouth, "aigoo~~~ Hyukkie is so kawaii~~" N who was next to him pinched Hyuk's cheek which made him scowl and put on the weirdest face.

Taekjin laughed hysterically at the sight which almost got him sliding off the baby chair.

"Dude, I don't think that this kid got his father's genes..." Ravi whispered. Hongbin nodded, "Taekwoon hyung never laughed like that" "did he got that from my genes?" Ken added.

Both Ravi and Hongbin stared weirdly at the (weirder)guy. "Seriously hyung? Your genes? How can that kid have your genes?" Hongbin said. "I got my thing on him~" Ken said while grinning like a pedo.

But as the 3 was whispering, a soft plushie ball flew to Ravi's head.

The 3 looked at the culprit and it was Leo.

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