10~ The breakup

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Mattheo's pov:

The next morning I woke up and she was still in my arms. The sunlight hits her face and I felt as if I was looking at an angel. That's the moment I realised it... I fell out of love with Astoria and in love with... y/n? I can't do this anymore... I have to end it with Astoria.

I moved slightly and woke her by accident. 

"Go back to sleep" I whisper to her

"Ok, thanks for helping me last night" she whispers back. 

Her scars were already gone since the maids put ointment on it which made me a little less guilty but I still can't help but think about the person I've became.

I sat down and wrote Astoria a letter:



These past 5 months with you have been amazing. it really has but I'm sorry... I fell out of love with you... 

I know I told you I've been forced to marry y/n but in reality I really fell hard for her. I hope you can forgive me but I think it's over between us.

I hope we can still be friends

With love,



Almost an hour later, she wrote back:



I understand. If I'm being honest I wasn't completely in love with you either. I have recently been really liking Theo (Nott) so I'm sorry too. I feel that we can both move past this and still be friends.

I know me and y/n didn't get along as kids but she seems nice now and maybe the two of you could come over for some tea soon?

Best regards,



A smile lit my face when i received the letter.

"Do you have a date today?" y/n asked me

"No, we broke up... we both fell out of love but we're still friends" I explained

'Alright then wanna watch a movie with me?" she asked innocently 

"I would love to" I responded.

Marriage messes : Mattheo riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now