Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. "You are Fired"My voice roared in the room.
"I am s...orry sir..p..lease Forgive me"That Idiot stammered.
"Get Lost before I loss my sanity"I Said in my low yet venomous voice.
He leaves the room with his lowered head.
"Who hired the Stupid like him as manager in my office?"I thought myself.
"You..."My mind mocked me.
But I ignored it..I leaned and rest my head in the chair and massaged my temples with my hands which will relaxes my mind a bit
Before I could.....I jerked as someone barged into my room without any knock.
None other than my stupid Friend Ajay Saxena"Hi dude"Ajay said enthusiastically.
Another tension"How many times I have to tell you that knock the door before barged into my room?"I said irritatingly.
"I know but I can't because I'm ur BFF"He said in his Sing-Sang Voice.
"I am not ur BFF"I try to keep my sanity.
"I'm hurt Mr.Anand"He make his fake sad face.
Why I am befriend with him?
"Because no can tolerate you"My Inner mind mocked me.
Obviously I ignored it"Why are you came here?"I asked him.
"Your Grandpa is coming to London at end of this month"He said.
"And He called you numerous time but you Filthy head did not even attend his call"He Continues
I checked my phone and I got 10 missed calls from my grandpa.
Hell on my phoneImmediately I Called him but He didn't attend my call.
"He may be angry on you" Ajay Said.
He should be
Again I tried but he Switched off his phone.
In the anger,I threwed my phone across the wall
It Scattered into numerous pieces."Tenth phone in this year"He Said like I won the noble price for peace.
"Like I am care"I said casually.

Ficção GeralIn the bustling city of London, two young hearts beat with the rhythm of life. Adithya, a strikingly handsome man with sharp features and piercing eyes, exuded an air of arrogance with every step he took. He was a man of few words, but his actions s...