In the bustling city of London, two young hearts beat with the rhythm of life. Adithya, a strikingly handsome man with sharp features and piercing eyes, exuded an air of arrogance with every step he took. He was a man of few words, but his actions s...
Adithya was pushed by a girl with all her force, completely catching him off guard. He stumbled and lost his balance, ultimately falling to the ground. The force of the push was so intense that his body ached in places he didn't know it could, and he knew that bruises would form.
"What the hell?" he yelled as he scrambled to his feet, facing the girl who had pushed him. Her voice was low yet menacing.
"Don't you dare to mess with me," she said, and stormed off in her car.
Adithya fumed at her, wanting desperately to get back at her. But he stopped himself; he couldn't take revenge on a girl. He had to let it go... but his anger refused to go away.
Then, he noticed Ajay standing nearby, watching him intently.
Ajay was gazing at him like his favourite webseries came to an end.
He'll never change.
Adithya felt his anger bubble up inside him like a volcano. How could this girl think that she could push him and get away with it? But he forced himself to calm down.
"I just want to break her hand," he thought to himself, clenching his fists. "But I let her, because she's a girl."
His inner voice mocked him cruelly. "Like she let you!"
Adithya felt his boiling anger reach new levels as he thought about the girl who had pushed him. He wanted to let out his anger by breaking or destroying something - anything. So he marched towards his car and punched the window glass with all his might, causing it to shatter into a million pieces.
As he stood there, dazed and staring at the broken glass, he realized that his knuckles were bleeding.
"What the hell are you doing Adithya?" Ajay shouted, having seen the entire incident. "Are you out of your mind?" He took Adithya's hand and began to examine the wound.
Adithya jerked his hand away. "Leave my hand," he said, trying to control the pain and the rage.
"Why are you acting like a psycho, Adithya?" Ajay demanded, his voice softening as he bandaged up Adithya's wound.
Adithya was silent, knowing that Ajay was right. He couldn't keep acting like this, as he knew it would only lead to more trouble.
As Ajay fetched a first aid kit from his car, Adithya began to feel calmer. He knew that Ajay was right - he had to relax and let go of his anger. Only then would he be able to think clearly.
Adithya's thoughts are halted by Ajay's voice.
"Shit....I forgot to ask her name and number"
Ajay erupted into frustration when he realized he forgot to ask for the girl's name and number. Adithya shook his head, dumbfounded. Ajay was always like this - always looking for an opportunity with girls, even in dire situations.
They got into Ajay's car and headed back to his penthouse. In the car, Adithya couldn't stop his mind from dwelling on the girl who had pushed him. He walked around his living room like a madman, still fuming.
Never in his life had anyone spoken to him like that. He was used to people fawning over him, using him for his fame and fortune. But the girl who had pushed him treated him like he was nothing, like trash.
Adithya couldn't shake off the anger he felt towards her. She had insulted him, and he couldn't believe that he was praising her instead of cursing her out.
"Nobody treats me like that," he muttered to himself, still walking in circles. "She treated me like a trash."
"What's with the grumpy face?" Ajay asked, interrupting him.
Adithya didn't react to him.
"You look funny," Ajay commented, chuckling.
"Yeah.....I did a joker get up for a school fashion dress competition"Adithya said irritatingly.
"You can't make them laugh but feed them with your grumpy face."Ajay retorted him.
"I know , you will become a king of sarcasm . But now,I'm not in the right state to enjoy your sarcastic comments" Adithya snapped him with fake sarcastic accent.
"And also one brown-eyed beauty will," Ajay added.
Adithya was quick to retaliate. "She is not a beauty but a beast."
Ajay didn't agree with Adithya's way of thinking. "No... she looks like a decent girl," he said, looking at Adithya meaningfully.
Despite knowing that Ajay was right, Adithya couldn't bring himself to admit it. He was too stubborn, too full of pride.
"Yeah ...the one who broke my car's windshield," Adithya reminded Ajay, still irritated. "You can't blame me for being angry!"
But Ajay fiercely defended the girl, saying that Adithya's ego was getting in the way of his perception. "You only think about your ego, not about her self respect," he told Adithya.
"Self respect, my foot"
"She'll apologize to me shamelessly after she knows who I am,"
Adithya said, still holding on to his pride.
Ajay left, telling Adithya about Justin who would be absent from work tomorrow because his mother has been admitted to the hospital. Adithya was left alone, still fuming about the girl who had pushed him. But in his heart, he knew that Ajay was right: he was too focused on his ego, and he needed to let it go for his own sake.
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