Are you willing to fight

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Madisons P.O.V

I woke up to hear a pounding on my door.

"Maddie open this fucking door right now." I growled at him

"Go away Tyler you don't want me go find Aqua I'm sure she wants you." He growled and kicked the door down and ran over and grabbed me.

"Why did you reject me?" I looked up to see pain in his eyes.

"Let me ask you one thing." He nodded

"Are you willing to fight?" He looked confused

"What do you mean by that?" I looked down

"Until you can figure that out I will not tell you why I tried to reject you because your forgetting I didn't do it all that correctly Tyler so when you answer my question then I will answer yours." He growled at me

"Maddie please tell me why you are trying to reject me I can't handle you being this way I would do anything for you." I looked at him and said,

"Then are you willing to fight?" He growled and shook me.

"What the hell does that mean?" I growled and pushed him away.

"Look inside of you and ask your self that question are you willing to fight?" He nodded and left. I laid back down and thought to myself I hope it doesn't take that long for him to answer that question.

"Mom someone help him find the answer to that question." With that I went to sleep thinking about my mate.

Tylers P.O.V

I ran downstairs and grabbed Kylie.

"You sister asked me a question and I need to know if you know what it means." She nodded at me

"She asked me if I was willing to fight what does that mean?" Kylie laughed.

"She wants to know if you are willing to fight for her love or are you just going to throw it away since she attempted to throw your love away." I nodded and went back to my room. I saw that she was asleep and she looked so happy I wonder what she is dreaming about. I went to her side and grabbed her hand.

"No matter what Maddie I will fight for you with everything I have even if it makes me go mad I will fight for you and fight with you." I went to leave when I heard her whisper,

"If you really mean what you say show it to me. Stay with me tonight." I smiled and walked over there I took off my shirt and laid down. I pulled her over to me and smiled when she wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled into my chest.

"Good night mi amor." I laughed and whispered in her ear,

"Goodnight my angel." She laughed and I soon fell asleep to her soft snores.


Sorry I know its short but I hope you love it








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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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