Trying to help

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Madisons P.O.V

I woke up before anyone else. I saw Tyler over in the corner asleep. I got up and snapped my fingers and I had on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a black tank top. I went over to my kids and woke them up. "Come on Zach and Zoey were leaving." They nodded and got dressed in pants and a shirt. I went over to my sister "I'm so sorry I wasn't strong enough for you Kylie." She started to move but I went over to Tyler and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry but I cant stay and risk my kids life's." But before I could leave my dad walked in. "What are you doing Madison?" I looked at him and he growled waking everyone up ad I went over to my kids. Everyone looked at me. Kylie looked at me "Why are you dressed up Maddie where are you going?" I didn't say anything just looked at my kids. Tyler growled "She was going to leave I can feel it." I whimpered when he growled.

Kylie got up and went over to me. "You were going to leave me again?" I looked at her and she was about to cry. I whispered "I'm so sorry but my kids aren't safe on land so I was going to take them where they are safe." Tyler growled "YOU KIDS AND YOU ARE SAFE AS LONG AS YOUR ON MY LAND AND WITH ME I CAN PROTECT YOU." I looked at him "WE AREN'T FIGHTING SOME STUPID WEREWOLVES TYLER WE ARE FIGHTING WITCHES, DEMONS AND GOBLINS THEY ARE NOT AFRAID OF A BUNCH OF WEREWOLVES WHEN THEY CAN CHEAT AT ANYTHING AND THEY WILL BECAUSE THEY HAVE POWERS THAT ONLY SOME CAN STOP." Tyler growled at me and grabbed my arm. "We will get the two people that can help you win this war they are magical and part moon goddess." I looked at him "They cant help us I know hat for sure."

He looked at me "HOW DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING IF YOU KEEP RUNNING AWAY." I growled at him. "I KNOW HAT BECAUSE ME AND KYLIE ARE THOSE TWO PEOPLE WE ARE PART MOON GODDESS AND WE COULDN'T EVEN STOP LIAM FROM RAPING ME." He looked shocked and I grabbed my kids and went over to the bed and sat down. "You will have no more problems with Liam or us again because we are going to the ocean and the mermaids will help us." Tyler growled "It's my job to help you." I looked at everyone "Get out so me and Tyler can talk." They nodded and Kylie came over and grabbed my kids. As soon as that door closed I looked at Tyler. "No one can help me believe me I have tried to get everyones help." He looked at me "Please Maddie just let me try and help you please Im begging you." I looked up at him. He had tears in his eyes. I grabbed his face. "Tyler Im so sorry but I cant stay here and risk my kids lifes. They are the most important things in my life and I cant lose them."

Tyler looked at me and in two seconds he had his lips on mine. We started to kiss when he leaned me back and got on top of me. He grabbed my hands and placed them over my head. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance of course I denied. His hands when down to my breast and squeezed I gasped and he slipped his tongue in. He explored my mouth and let me tell you it felt amazing. He stopped and looked at me "You are so beautiful Madison and I cant let you leave me." I looked at him weird and that's when he started to kiss down my neck and when he got to the place where one day he would mark me he started to suck on it. I soon felt his K-9s scrap over it. He then dug in deep enough to leave a protective mark meaning I can not leave his land. I pushed him off of me and growled at him. "HOW COULD YOU TYLER I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU DID THAT TO ME." He looked at me "I couldn't let you leave."

I umped out of the bed and ran downstairs and my sister looked at me and saw my mark. "He put a protection mark on you didn't he." I nodded and ran out the door and shifted as soon as I hit the woods I ran to the border and tried to go over it but I would hit the wall and bounce back in. I keep trying and trying till I couldn't stand anymore. I growled and tried to do it again till Tyler came over to me. "Maddie your not getting anywhere doing that. I shifted back and growled at him "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT NOW I'M STUCK HERE AND LIAM IS GOING TO FIND ME AND KILL ME HE ALWAYS GETS WHAT HE WANTS AND RIGHT NOW THAT'S ME AND MY BABIES AND IF HE GETS US ITS ALL YOUR FAULT FOR MAKING ME STUCK HERE. I COULD OF WENT TO THE MERMAIDS AND THEY COULD OF HELPED ME AND HELPED ME TRAIN MY POWERS THEY COULD OF HELPED ME YET YOU DOMED ME AND THE REST OF THE WORLD." He growled at me "YOU MAY BE MY MATE BUT YOU WILL NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT I AM STILL THE ALPHA PRINCE AND YOU ARE STILL JUST AN ALPHA." I growled at him "YOUR FORGETTING I AM PART MOON GODDESS AND THAT MEAN I OUT RULE YOU SO I CAN SAY WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT TO YOU BECAUSE YOU CANT COMMAND ME."

I ran back to the castle and walked to the Kings Office. I knocked and he yelled "COME IN." I walked in and he looked at me "Ah you must be Madison my sons mate." I looked at him "I need you to take this protection mark off of me." He got up and looked at it "Why did my son put it on you?" "He put it on me because I was about to leave to make sure my kids were safe and now I cant make sure they are safe because i cant even leave this damn pack." He looked at me "Tyler has done what he thinks is best and I will stand by his side all the way so I can not remove your protective seal." I growled and orbed into my room. I looked at my babies sleeping. I went over to them and kissed there heads "Im so sorry I couldnt protect you like I said I would." My sister came over "Maddie we will protect them I have invited the mermaids over to help us practice and we will defeat him once and for all." I smiled at her "Thank you so much Kylie." She nodded at me "Now get some rest because they will be here soon and I want you to be well rested." I nodded and went to the bed with my kids. I started to talk to my wolf "Fire are we gonna make it out." "Madison we are going to be fine as long as we have Kylie right by our side." I smiled and soon drifted to sleep.


Sorry for the wait Ive been having trouble and some other stuff but I hope you liked this chapter

Also I changed Kylies mates name to Daniel as I put Liam as the bad guy

Picture of Tyler on the side








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