The ball

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Madison's P.O.V

        I wake up to Kylie jumping on my bed. I groaned "Get off of me fatass I'm trying to sleep." She laughed "You have to get up we have to leave soon. Daddy sent me in here to wake you up for breakfast and then we leave." I groaned and pushed her off of me. She fell of the bed and I laughed. I got up and went a took a quick shower. I went to my closet on threw on my booty shorts and a black belly shirt that says BADASS. I went downstairs and my father looked at me and shock his head. I went to kiss is forehead. "Good morning daddy." He laughed "Good morning baby girl." I sat down when I heard little laughs running down the stairs. In ran my daughter and son they are twins also. They ran to me "Hey Zach and Zoey." They smiled at me and then went and sat in their chairs. I gave them a bowl of cereal and I got me a bowl of coco puffs. I quickly ate and then I grabbed my kids. I looked at my dad. "Come on we have to get ready we are leaving in a minute."

        My kids ran upstairs and got dressed in cute little fancy clothes. I went upstairs and got my black dress and my black mask because it's a masquerade ball. I put it on and before I put on my mask I put on my make up. I put the mask on and my kids ran in and they gasped. Zoey came over to me "You look very pretty mommy." I blushed and grabbed her "Look even more beautiful baby girl." She giggled. Kylie ran in she was wearing the exact opposite color of my dress. She has a white dress on and a white mask. She looked at me and I looked at her I grabbed my purse and we left. We got to the limo and we climbed in. Zoey and Zach climbed over me and sat in their car seats. I looked at my dad "What happens if I find my mate daddy?" He sighs "I don't know baby girl I don't know." I put my head on his shoulder and soon drifted to sleep to the sound of my babies laughter.

        I woke up to Kylie pulling on me. I saw we were almost to the castle. I checked my hair to see it's not frizzy since I didn't straighten my hair this morning. I check my make up and I was all clear. We pulled up and my dad got out. My sister and I followed and a lot of guys wolf whistled and my sister and I were use to it so we didn't pay attention to it. I grabbed my son and put him on my hip. We walked in and sat with the Alphas. I look at all the guys and they look at me. I got up and went somewhere else. I grabbed my sisters hand and we went tot the dance floor. We started to dance and everyone looked at us. Just then the music stopped and my sister and I groaned. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen I would like everyone to welcome my son and his beta Daniel. Please everyone stand up and give them around of applause." I looked up to see the most hottest man on the earth. I looked at my sister to see her looking lustful at the other guy.

        We went up to the front and I looked at my mate to notice he hasn't noticed me yet which is good because I don't now if I want a mate. My mate went to the microphone "Hello my name is Prince Tyler and I would like to welcome you all to my party. I hope some of your mate just like I hope Daniel and I do." I looked at my sister and she giggled. I laughed and Prince Tyler stopped and looked around. "I heard her laugh where is my mate I need to find her." My sister and I started to laugh even louder and everyone looked at us. The Prince and beta came towards us and I heard Daniel say "Well one is my mate and one is yours." I looked at my sister and we nodded. They came over and looked at us. We spoke at the same time "Hello Prince Tyler and Beta Daniel. How are you guys doing today?" They growled "Why are you guys doing that?" "Doing what?" My father came towards us. "Why are you talking at the same time you guys are not sisters so quit it." My father came forward "Actually they are twins and they are identical so to annoy people they speak at the same time."

        We laughed and I looked at my sister "We should get going." We said at the same time. We turned around and ran. Everyone looked at us. The Prince and Beta growled "EVERYONE GET OUR MATES THEY ARE RUNNING AWAY FROM US." Everyone started to chase us and I love a good game of chase. I looked at my sister to see her running after me. We shifted into our wolves. Mine is pure white with a black tear drop on the forehead. Kylie is a bright red wolf with a blue tear drop on her forehead. The teardrops match our mates fur color. I ran into the woods and stopped all of a sudden because I saw someone I didn't want to see ever again.

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