Untitled Part 1

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Slow footsteps echoed through the stonehallways of the Scorpion Temple. The usual proud and strong warrior,Scorpio Milo, walked through the bare and narrow walls of his templeslightly battered. The footsteps weighed heavily on his fallenshoulders and he did not even stop when he heard faster footstepsbehind him.

"Milo... please wait.", your voice madehim stop after all and he turned around when he caught sight yoursmaller form. You were not wearing your armor cloth and were dressedcivilly in a red asymmetrical dress made of lace, the back part ofwhich was longer than the front (https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/HU8AAOSwSflblkBT/s-l400.jpg - just abit longer than there). It kinda reminded of a ballet dancer orsomething similar, which was no surprise given one of your hobbies.

"Tch, did Muu sent a babysitter because I didn't reportto the medical saints?" he asked a bit brusquely, at least hetried to seem brusque but didn't manage it for various reasons.

It was not because of antipathy for theperson behind him, but much more his wounded pride as a warrior thatsomeone had to see him in such a pitiful state, as he called it.Especially the person he felt more for than he would admit.

That was the second reason for hissomewhat rough attitude. However, this was by no means maliciouslyintended, he just didn't want to give himself away.

"Noone sent me. But I heard that you got hurt and refuse to let Kuraikolook over it. She's our best medic Saint. She'll heal you no timeif-" before you could finish your sentence, Milo interruptedyou.

"I'm not going to a Medic Saint over something astrivial as that. Do you think I'm a wimp, ____?" he asked, nowturning to face you directly. His ice-blue eyes did not show anyhostility or negativity, but rather eyed you somewhat emotionlessly.Inside him, of course, that was a different story.

"SOMETHINGTRIVIAL AS THAT" you got a little louder and pointed at theblood Milo had left on his path, splattered around. "Why are youalways so stubborn?" you added with a sigh.

"I amstubborn? Just because I don't see a doctor for every little achelike a baby? It's just a scratch on my hand", the Scorpion Saintanswered dryly and was ready to walk away.

"A scratchthat weakens your cosmo. Do you think we don't feel how weak yourcosmo has become since your last fight? And that the bleeding won'tstop because of that 'scratch'? Let me look at your wound at least.",your voice became softer and almost pleading.

Milo sighed. "We're reallyworried, Milo.... We're your friends, don't you trust us?"

"Ofcourse I trust you," Milo answered directly. "And I alsounderstand your concerns. I'm sorry if I came across a bit harsh.",the blue-haired man apologized slightly without turning around to youagain.

"It's okay," you waved it off, but before youcould say anything else, Milo cut you off again.

"You'reasking if I trust you. Let me return that question. Do you trust me,_____?", his question caught you slightly off guard, but thatdidn't change the fact of how confidently you were able to answerhim.

"I trust you blindly, Milo. I would put my life inyour hands anytime without thinking.", this answer seemed tosatisfy the Scorpion Saint, because a small, relieved smile brieflygraced his lips. He just thanked his turned position that youcouldn't see that smile.

"And why don't you trust meabout my condition? If I say I don't need medical treatment, thenthat's the way it is," he continued.


Sinceyou didn't seem to have an answer to that, Milo just kept walking. Itdidn't took him three steps before he heard your footsteps behind himagain.

"So you're not convinced?" he asked,continuing to walk without turning around.

"I'm justmaking sure you don't suddenly collapse. That's all.", youcountered, because you could be just as stubborn as him.

"Idon't need to be belittled. I'm not a weakling.", Milo mutteredand his warrior ego really started to suffer from this situation.

"You are not a weakling. You'reone of the strongest Gold Saints, I know that Milo. But... at the endof the day, you're just a human like the rest of us. You're notimmortal.", you whispered so softly, hoping that Milo didn'tcatch your words, because that would surely only upset him.

Love is the best medicine (Scorpio Milo x Female Reader Lime)Where stories live. Discover now