The First Party Ch. 13

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Izuku POV - I decided to skip to the party whcih is really just adults talking business. It's like around 5 pm

I put on the suit, with a little help. And soon followed Izaac to the limo. "Zac. Who is hosting the party again?" I asked looking up to Izaac who was walking besides me. "The Yaoyorozu's." I looked up to him confused. "Your friend Momo." "Oh Ok." I said smiling I haven't seen Momo in a while. We soon made it to the door, I was excited/scared. "Mom Dad!" I said running to hug them. "Izuku we're staying in the same house right now." Mom said laughing. She was wearing a bodycon dress that match our suits. (Described in previous chapters.). "I know." I said continuing to hang on. We got into the limo and the driver, well drove. We soon made it to the banquet hall. It was huge and there was so many cars in a line. Ours however didn't join that line but a one leading to a room next to it. The guy said. "This is for cars with children with them, just a little room for the kids." Dad nodded and gestured for the driver to continue. 

We soon walked in. There was a lot of kids around my age eating desserts. I followed behind mom and dad, while holding Izaac's hands. Soon a creepy guy came over. "Hello, welcome this is a play area for the kids so you can talk business in the hall. Mom and Dad nodded. And the creepy guy walked to me but I retreated behind Izaac. "Now now we have a lot of different desserts. Chocolate cake, Strawberry cake, pudding, ... carrot cake." He continued to list but stop when he say me light up at carrot cake. He grabbed a plate of carrot cake and handed it to me. Smiling creepily. ."uh Thank you." I said accepting the cake. He sent me to sit in one of the corners and Mom, Dad, and Izaac left. 

I walked and sat at the corner. I wasn't sure if I should eat it since it's not good to eat dessert before dinner. I noticed some other families walk in. One of them was Shoto's. I ran over to him alone when his siblings followed his parents. "Shoto!" I screamed and ran to him. "Ah Izuku, Hello" he said in a monotone way. He was holding a vanilla and red velvet cake. How fitting. We walked o over to where my carrot cake sat. We sat down and started to talk. I started to eat my cake. Todoroki was hoping to be a hero and is training. "Wow that's so cool!" I said. He nodded while smiling. We sat there until we both noticed Momo and.... Iida? Walking to us. "Izuku?" Iida questioned, "hi I didn't know you would be here." I said and waved to Momo. "I didn't think you would be here too. Oh what dessert did you have? I had a blue velvet cake roll." He asked. "I had a parfait. Well not all of it" Momo answered. "I had a vanilla and red velvet cake." "And I had some carrot cake." I said. Suddenly my head hurt like crazy. "Izuku and you ok?" Momo asked. I looked around and some of the kids were... falling asleep? Soon I noticed Shoto's, Momo's, and Iida's heads started to hurt because of their movements. Soon everything went dark.

Izaac POV

My parents and I walked into the main hall. But I couldn't shake off a weird feeling. It should be safe. Bunches of security and important but harmless people. We split up to join our social groups. Mom with the other ladies. Dad with the other old guys. And me with the younger but not tiny guys. We all talked for hours until we all turned to a scream. I saw mom standing above the lady. "Now now, Don't you dare disrespect me and my family. You shouldn't be talking about how I raise my children." Mom said glaring at the lady in front of her. "I'm sorry I just was curious." She said shyly. "Mother." I said walking up to her. "Everything alright?" I asked. "Yes Izaac, this lady was talking about how her amazing kids thrive and you darlings don't. Because of the way I raise you." She said looking back to the lady on the ground. She grabbed some red wine being served and dumped it on the lady's head. The most common of Villainess moves. Go mom. "This brat seems to know a lot about me. Especially my private life. Why, I don't know, stuff like how she sleeps with a hero. Must be why her kids are so good." My mom said. Everyone started to whisper. Soon one of the servants stepped in and told us it was time for dinner.

We sat down at a circle table with the Yaoyorozus and two other hero families. It was quite commonplace to have hero's advertise products. It was the todoroki and Iida family. Their children were quite interesting to see talk to. One was a hero. The other two in college. I also found out the school that they went to and siblings went to. Soon dinner was served and I noticed the kids never joined us. I called a server over. "Why aren't the kids here?" I asked. "They're food is being served straight to them because my Bo's has something business related." I nodded skeptically and went back to my conversation. While eating the stage lights in the dinner hall shut off. And Mr. Yaoyorozu walked up there. 

"We have gathered here to talk about our newest product. We have gathered investors and other companies. To hero's and designers." He said looking from one side of the room to the other side. "Hurry this up will you." This hero said. I could tell that hero was having an affair with the lady mom dumped wine on. "Now now (no name) the product is a-" he started when the doors busted open. "SIR THE CHILDREN ARE MISSING!" The servant yelled. I froze and looked to Mom and Dad both paralyzed. Everyone started to get up and talk at once. We quickly ran to to room. It looked like they have been gone for a while. The room isn't as messed up as it should be after... kids with sugar. I turned to the desserts. "Bring in a drug test." I said to the servant. She soon came back with one. The results left everyone speechless.  Crushed sleeping pills. In it. I turned to Mr. Yaoyorozu.

"Who was the guy giving these out?" I asked. "I don't know we supply the kids with snacks instead of desserts." He said looking at his wife. "Plus they were out on a table." Everyone started to make phone calls. Business people calling the police. Hero's calling there sidekicks. I personally called Ikkuro. "Ikkuro call all of the Yakuza quadrants. We need them to search all of Japan, especially airports or anyway to get out of Japan." I said. "Ok but why?" "Izuku is missing!" I said. "Ok I'm sending them straight away." "Ok" I said. I hung up and walked to a worried mom and dad. "Did Ikkuro I send anything?" Mom asked. I nodded. "All of the Undergrounds." I said as dad sighed. "Ok go and help them we will stay here to help." I nodded and was about to leave when I was stopped. "Can I come with you, my younger brother was taken too." It was Tensi. I nodded and we ran to the most common place for stuff like this. An abandoned, well, anything. While searching I got a text from one of the quadrants. They found the, but the group had so little people. We started our way there.

Izuku POV

I woke up, my head and heart pounding. I looked around we were tied us separated by groups. In cages like animals. The people in my cage was Momo, this boy, and another girl. The boy screamed at the people to let them go, kind of like a Karen. "Momo?" I whispered. She noticed and crawled over. The boy was still screaming and the other girl was sitting there scared. I struggled to get up. I saw Tenya and Shoto. Suddenly one of the people came close and kicked the cage. It was the creepy guy. "Shut up kid." By then I noticed how my pockets were inside out. Like they searched them. I felt so useless. I mean the guy was annoying but why should we pay for that. Suddenly Momo spoke up. "Release us now. My father will find you." She said when the guy grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the middle of the room. They started to kick at her. "Hey stop that, Hero's are going to come and put you in prison!" Tenya said with a chopping motion. They pulled him out to the middle and started to beat him up too. "Stop!" Shoto screamed suddenly. And like they did to Momo and Tenya, they started to beat him. I felt so useless. I couldn't help them. 

Then it came to me. Lilith. "LILITH." I screamed. Suddenly the cat came out and attacked the people. Making sounds in the process. While I looked through the bars I noticed something else. Some people were in the corner looking, watching, maybe observing. Soon Lilith was over taken and they dragged me out. They got out a whip and a s about to screamed when the person with the whip was punched. By Izaac. "Izaac!" I said relieved. I quickly noticed Tensi saving kids in cages. The people watching and Izaac took care of the people. I ran over to Shoto, Tenya, and Momo. "Are you ok?" I asked. When a lot of paramedics rushed in. Parents, sidekicks, securities, mom and dad, hero's. Wait mom and dad. "Mom, Dad." I said running to them. "Izuku!" They exclaimed in unison. We hugged  until Izaac came over. "Wow no hug for me?" He said smiling. I started to tear up and ran to him. "What took you so long?" 


Thank you for reading this chapter. I have been trying to focus on studying but I have been stressed lately. Assignments finals studying ACTS. And I know that I shouldn't be writing right now. But this idea came and I had to write it before I forgot. If you have any school fluff situations then type them in the comments. I try to write as much as possible.

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