Shinso Ch. 15

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Izuku POV

I woke up to Lilith pouncing on me. "Ack!" I heard some laughing in the background. While coughing I looked over at Liam. "It's still early sir go back to sleep." He said as he forced my head back down to the pillow. "Then why are you here and awake?" I asked as he continued to tuck me in. "Go to sleep." He only said and soon left. Without answering any questions. I grabbed Lilith and cuddled with her. Not without a fight because she is a cat. I went back to sleep.

I woke up again and saw Liam. "Morning?" I said, sore? "Ack! Ughhhh" I plopped straight back down. Liam cleared his throat. "Sir are you wanting to drive or walk to school? It's early enough to walk" I looked at the clock on my bedside table. "Can you drive me?" Liam nodded and Lilith helped me up. Why was I so sore? "What would you like to eat for breakfast?" "Just some bread and butter." "Ok want me to pack a lunch?" I shook my head and went into the bathroom. I put on the uniform and combed my hair. Or tried to. (Uniform at top, I completely forgot about it.) I grabbed my bracelet and had Lilith jumped into it. "Sir! Are you done?" "Yeah!" I screamed back as i ran to the dining hall. I made it and regretted running since I was still sore. I ate and was about to grab my bag from my room when Shiro popped up holding my bag. Yeah forgot to mention that Shiro has a teleportation quirk. It only wor- "sir your going to be late." I looked at the time on my phone and ran to the main entrance. I run out to see the car with Liam diving. "Get in." I nodded and placed my bag next to where I sat. And Liam started to drive.

As we were about to arrive I asked him to stop close by. "I'll just walk the rest of the way." Liam suddenly panicked. "Was the car not up to par? Is something wrong?" He asked suddenly. "No I just want to walk into school,  most kids my age weren't being dropped off in a Luxury car." I said laughing a bit. "Uhm alright." Liam finally said hesitantly. I got out of the car and started walking, when I noticed Liam in the car following me. At that point I couldn't care so I just ignored it. I made it to the entrance and saw Alex and and Lexi (Alexandra, the names were so similar). (Picture right under, they are half Russian and Japanese, thinking of a certain anime)

 (Picture right under, they are half Russian and Japanese, thinking of a certain anime)

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"Izuku!" Lexi screamed as she came to hug me. "Hi Lexi, uh we just saw each other yesterday." She laughed. "I know, oh do you know what's on the special menu for lunch today?" I shook my head no as we walked towards Alex. "Hi Alex." He just nodded and we started to walk to our lockers. We changed our shoes and when we were about to walk through to the courtyard, someone slammed into me. "Ack!" Thankfully Lexi caught me. "Thank you." I said and she just nodded and looked back down and the person who knocked into me. "Alexandra! Alexander! Sorry about that, this kid was trying to run away." It was a kid running after the person who knocked me over. The twins suddenly glared at the kid running. I ignored the three and offered my hand to the kid on the ground. "Are you ok?" It was the kid with purple hair. He took my hand but didn't look up or answer me. 

The room seemed to go silent. And the kid running asked me something. "A-are you ok? That villain didn't do anything to you right?" I looked at him confused. "Why wouldn't I be-." "Why don't you leave me alone and kill yourself?" I suddenly started moving. My mind was clouded. Suddenly I woke up again from whatever was happening. "-Zuku are you ok?" I looked up at Alex and Lexi shaking me. "Huh what's going on?" Suddenly a teacher came up and I noticed the purple hair kid being dragged away by the principal. "Are you ok young Midoriya?" "Yeah yeah just a little off guard." I said as I picked up my bag. Alex and Lexi helped me up and we walked to the classroom. We all sat down and class soon started. In the middle of class the purple hair kid came in and sat down in front of me. Classes went by and it was soon lunch. "Come on Izuku!" Lexi said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me away when I noticed the purple hair kid tried to talk to me.

We made it to the cafeteria. The food they were serving looked good but I just wasn't feeling like eating it. Alex and Lexi went to wait in the line so I just walked to the small general store in the school. As I was just looking for a simple sandwich when I saw a bread with cream inside. I was about to grab one when I was intercepted by a hand. I looked over and it was the purple haired kid. It was silent for a little while when he just walked away. I ignored it and grabbed the next three cream breads. I also grabbed a strawberry milk and went to the cashier and paid. I walked with my bag and went to the spot from yesterday. Alex and Lexi were already there. "Izuku!" Lexi screamed. There was small tables outside, it was very peaceful. I sat down and offer them the cream bread. "Here, you mentioned it was one of your favorite desserts." I said as I handed it to them. We ate and talked until the purple hair kid came over. "Hey can I talk to you." The twins glared at him. "What you can say to him say it here." Alex said firmly. The kid looked at me. "I'm sorry about using my quirk on you." He said and was about to leave when Lexi turned full bully mode. "Really that's it, Izuku could have died and your sorry. SORRY. That was more pathetic then you." She was about to continue when I stopped her. "What is your name." I asked. "Hitoshi Shinso." I nodded. "Ok I'm Izuku Midoriya, Hitoshi. Or would you rather have me call you Shinso." "Call me whatever." He said before leaving. And classes continued. It was the end of the day when I was stopped by a teacher. "Excuse me young midoriya. Because of the thing that happened today I contacted the contact on your file and we would like you to stay back. "Ok." 

I walked towards the office and entered the waiting area, like it was a hospital, and Shinso was already there. I sat down across from him and started on my homework. It was around 4:45 when someone walked in. It was uncle Aizawa and uncle Yamada. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SON?" Uncle Yamada (present mic) yelled. "Relax Hizashi. It won't help his case if you act like that." Uncle Aizawa said as he walked towards Shinso. They started to talk as a group when the secretary called them to privately talk about what happened. With my advanced hearing I intended to listen. 

"Then he used his quirk against not just any student but a vip, This student's parents are well respected and even higher donors to this school ever since a year before he even came here. Because of this he is a higher priority student and this was a great offense. If they see fit your scholarship could be removed." The principal said. "We understand but shouldn't the kid be out there too?" Uncle Yamada asked. "Right now I just telling you what happened we can talk about it all together after I meet with the other kid too." 

I stopped listening when I noticed they were about to call me in. The family walked out and saw me. "Hi~ Aizawa." I said awkwardly. They were silent in shock for a little while until the doors opened showing... Ikkuro. "Ro!" I ran to him. "Izuku are you ok?" He said pulling me into a hug and checking me out. "I'm fine." I answered before the principal came out personally. "Mr Midoriya, thank you for coming on such short notice. Will you follow me to my office?" Ikkuro went on full business mode. "I would like to talk to Izuku first." I looked at Ikkuro then back at the principal. "Of course I will be in my office till then." We nodded and I followed Ikkuro outside the office. Most kids left were kids looking and joining clubs. 

Ikkuro went on one knee to get on my level, I am very short. "Izuku what happened, explain to me everything." "Well it was just like yesterday until we ran into each other. I helped him up but everyone seemed confused and questioned him. He then, I think, used his quirk on me. He said something along the lines of die or something and my mind got clouded. Then I started moving but I was stopped by a friend of mine." I said quickly. Ikkuro was silent. And just stayed that way as we entered the principal's office. They were talking so I stayed quiet until I noticed the other three walk in. Uncle Aizawa started. "So what are we going to do." "We are considering retracting young Shinso's scholarship." The principal started.  "But it depends on what Izuku wants as agreed between me and Mr. (someone)" Ikkuro said. Everyone looked at me. Then the principal asked. "So Izuku what do you want?".


Thank you for reading this chapter! And for 6.3k reads!! I haven't been posting as much as I want but I'm trying. My family and I have been sick so there isn't much I can do. Sorry!

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