M ·you don't love me anymore·

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Matt and I hadn't hung out for 2 weeks. We haven't talked, called, or seen each other. If we ever spoke magically some day we had an argument. So we just decided to not talk if we were gonna fight. We didn't break up tho, so I wasn't single. 

But it felt like I was. It was like Matt was my ex. 

I think about him every day, and hesitate whether or not I should call him. I didn't wanna break up but it felt like we already did. I always thought Matt was the one.

I was gonna call Nick since I had nothing to do at all and I wanted to know if Matt and I could talk in person. I always went to Nick first

. I open my contacts before clicking his name and calling him. It rings a couple of times before he answers.

"Y/NNNN" He says with a smile on his face.

"Hi Nicky" I say smiling at him.

"Hi it feels like we haven't talked in forever" He says sarcastically. We spoke yesterday.

"How you doin'" I ask him.

"Shouldn't you be asking that about Matt" He says quietly.

"Yeah about that" I say before starting to speak A LOT.

"I haven't spoken to Matt in like *checks date* almost 3 weeks and I feel like we're drifting apart. Every single time we call or talk to each other it becomes into a heated argument and it really hurts me. I don't wanna break up with him. I love him so much I just don't think that he has the same feeling towards me. I feel like h-"

"I'm sorry for cutting you off, but he's dying without you Y/N please come talk to him. He doesn't wanna film and when we force him he barely talks in the YouTube video. He doesn't eat as much either, and I'm starting to get worried" Nick says concerned.

"You should come over" Nick says with a soft voice.

"Where's Matt right now?" I ask him.

"Where he's been all day, in his room," Nick says.

"Ok ill come over, but I need to do my makeup first" I say.

"No need you look nice, if you do tho don't put a lot you might cry" He says as his eyes get watery.

"Are you ok?" I say feeling bad for him.

"No it's just I won't see you as much if you guys break up" He says as his voice breaks.

"Nick nothing can separate us, not even my relationship, I'll always love you" I say smiling.

"I love you too" He says.

"Ok go get ready I wanna see you" He says making me laugh as I say 'ok' before hanging up.

I go to the bathroom before putting some light makeup on and a hoodie and sweats. I put my hair in a bun before grabbing my keys and driving to their house which was 5 minutes away if you drove.

 The whole ride there I was shaking, I couldn't stop thinking about what Matt would say. I arrive before texting Nick that I'm there as I hear footsteps coming towards the door.

I see the door open revealing Nick's smiling face as he hugs me so tightly as I hug back.

"I missed you so much" He says as he sets his hand on my shoulder.

"I missed you too Nick" I say as I see Chris come from behind the door as he joins our hug.

"I missed you" He says.

"I missed you to Chistina" I say as we laugh and head inside the house.

"You ready?" Chris asks me.

"For?" I ask.

"To talk to Matt" He says as I look at Nick.

"I told him sorry" Nick says looking away.

"It's fine. Yeah, I'm ready" I say before walking upstairs trying to make the least noise. I make it to Mat's door before opening the door to see him laying on his bed.

I knock on the door before he speaks up.

"Get out I'm not in the mood to talk" I hear him say.

"My bad sorry Matt" I say before he shoots up and looks at me as I'm about to close the door. I start walking down the stairs as I feel my hand being grabbed. It was Matt.

"Y/N" He says looking into my eyes.

"You said you weren't in the mood to t-"

"I changed my mind come" He says walking back up the stairs as I follow him. We make it to his room before sitting on the bed together. We weren't far from each other but we weren't close. We were in silence and it was getting awkward.

"Why'd you come?" He asks me FINALLY speaking up.

"Did you not want me t-"

"No, I did" He says locking eyes with me.

"What happened to us?" I ask him.

"I dont know but I hate that it did" He says with guilt in his eyes.

"I dont wanna breakup Matt" I say as I start to tear up.

"I dont want to either but if we keep acting like this well have too" He says looking at me as a tear drops from my eye.

"I just feel like you don love me anymore" I say before he pulls me into a hug right when I finished my sentence.

"Y/N dont say that. I love you so much. I cant be without you, I cant. I dont eat I cant sleep I cant do nything knowin your not ok" He says holding me tighter.

"I love you too Matt, I dont wann loose you" I say looking up at him.

"I dont want to either Y/N" He says before leaning in and kissing me. Last time he did was like 3 weeks ago. We pull away and look at eachother and smiling.

"Wanna watch our favorite movie?" He asks me as I nodd and get comfortable on his bed. We watch our favorite movie as I slowly drift off to sleep in my future husbands arms.

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