Chapter 14: Final Battle (Part 2)

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(In Space, various spaceships are seen, and inside one of them is Ben 10.)

Ben 10: This is Benjamin Tennyson of Alien Dino Thunder Force for squadron leaders, report.

(Cut to another ship, Ryo Shimizu is seen piloting it.)

Shimizu: This is Ryo Shimizu, standing by.

(Inside another ship is Noah Kaminari.)

Noah: This is Noah Kaminari, standing by.

(The third ship shows Rusher Flash)

Rusher: This is Rusher Flash, standing by.

Ben 10: All squads, defend the fleet. Get to the surface before they close that gate.

Noah: Copy that.

Ben 10: Alien Dino Thunder Force, on me.

Kevin: Copy, Ben.

Slade: We won't have long.

(Inside the Atlas Corporation Base.)

Sektor: Close the field. Close it!

(The field starts closing.)

Zyuoh Eagle: Come on, come on, come on!

Gai: Pull up!

(The field is closed, and some X-Wings and U-Wings show up as the Lego Rebel Friend, the Happy Tree Friends, The Elite S.O.G Team and the Elite Phoenix Group are seen in them.)

Rebel F: We're going in.

Cuddles: Stay with me.

(The battle still goes on.)

Damien: Come on.

(Then he's getting chased by some enemy ships.)

Dillon: Damien, this is Dillon, we're starting our attack run on the shield gate.

Damien: Keep it tight and watch out for those towers.

(The heroes keep destroying the enemy base as it sends more fighters.)

Emu: More fighters. From up, at 65.

Ikki: Ben, enemy fighters coming in.

(The heroes try to destroy the shield gate, but it proves to be in vain.)

Lobo: We have no effect on that shield.

Cassie: How much more can this thing take?

(They keep trying as Kouta decides to distract the enemies.)

Tsukasa: Stick close, Kouta. Where are you going?

Kouta: I'm trying to lose them.

(Then he keeps trying to escape, but no avail.)

Kouta: This is Kouta Kazaribi, I need help.

(Then Invincible destroys the enemy ships, saving Kouta. Meanwhile with the main ship, it gets hit.)

Kevin: Deflector shield's down to 50%, we're sustaining heavy damage.

Ben 10: There's no turning back now, we have to press the attack.

(Meanwhile with the heroes.)

Gregor: Hit that opening!

Link: We're seeing it. Ion torpedoes away.

(Then the heroes manage to hit the opening. Back to Sektor and Jonathan Irons)

Irons: What's happening?

Sektor: We've lost engine power, sir.

(Back to Ben 10.)

Ben 10: That Star Destroyer is disabled. Prepare the Omni-Gundam. I have an idea.

(Then Ben rushes for his Gundam, and gets inside it as he starts to pilot it. Then he gets close to the target.)

Ben 10: Omni-Gundam, locked on target

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Ben 10: Omni-Gundam, locked on target. Prepare for impact.

(Ben 10 and his Gundam hit the enemy ship.)

Ben 10: Full power!

(Meanwhile, Jonathan Irons is seen inside his Gundam Eternal fighting Kamen Rider Drake in his Hyper Form.)

Drake: It's been so long, Irons.

Iron: Mulkiewicz? You?

Drake: Yes, Irons. And now to avenge my friend, who was your son. Hyper Shooting!

Zecter: Hyper Shooting!

(Then Kamen Rider Drake kills Jonathan Irons.)

(Meanwhile, Blister Blunder is seen fighting the rebuilt Sektor.)

Sektor: Your program has changed for the worst, Blister.

Blister: You think so?

(Pretend they're in the space station. Yellow Triborg is Blister and Red Triborg is Sektor, and also replace the yellow Triborg's allies with Colander and Drake Rockender)

Blister: Farewell, Sektor.

(Then Ben 10 and his Gundam finally managed to destroy the space station.)

Cassie: We did it.

Ben 10: Almost. We still have to stop Predaking.

(Then they return to Earth and prepare for the final battle.)

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