Skai Walker

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"Jay? Jay!"

Everything was fuzzy. Jay felt a dull throbbing in his skull as his vision adjusted itself.

Cole was kneeling in front of him, looking relieved that he had woken up.

"Oh thank god! Are you okay, buddy?"

Jay groaned and looked around the monastery yard. "Yeah, I'm fi-"

His eyes stopped on a horrifying sight.

The rest of his friends were gathered around Nya. She seemed to be shaking and her breathing suggested she was in a lot of pain. But when Kai shifted to his right, Jay saw it.

A dagger.

Sticking out of her side!

"NYA!" He got up and started running over to her. He felt a sharp pain in his foot and collapsed. Not letting the pain stop him, he began using the remaining strength in his arms to crawl his way over to his injured pregnant wife. Oh God...

When he got there, he pushed Kai out of the way and held Nya in his arms. "Nya! Are you okay?!"

Nya looked towards her terrified husband. "J-Jay?" She smiled in relief. "Thank goodness! Y-you're okay..." she began closing her eyes.

"No no no!" Jay looked up at Zane, "What's wrong with her? Is she gonna be okay?"

Zane looked horrified. "Lloyd! Cole! Ready the Bounty! We need to get Nya to the hospital immediately!"

Without a word, Lloyd and Cole rushed out of the monastery doors. Zane then turned to Jay.

"Jay, I am going to need you to remain calm, but I believe that the stress provided by the dagger in her side may have stimulated premature labor."

Jay felt like his heart stopped. Not only was he in danger of losing his wife, but his child too?!

He looked down at Nya. She reeled forward and yelled out in pain. Jay squeezed her hand as tears began rolling down his face.

Before he could say anything else, the roar of the Bounty's engines were heard outside the door. Lloyd threw down the plank ramp and gestured to Jay and Zane that they needed to hurry.

Jay adjusted his position and began to stand up with Nya in his arms. A shock of pain went through his ankle again and he almost dropped Nya. Luckily Zane was quick enough to catch her.

"Jay! You're hurt!"

Kai picked Jay up off of the ground and slung his arm over his shoulder. As Zane ran with Nya to the bounty, Kai helped Jay limp there as fast as possible.

"What happened to your ankle?" Kai asked nervously.

Jay groaned, "I must've twisted it when Nya shoved me out of the way. But that's not important right now. Nya needs help."

On the bounty, Nya was laying on a bed in the cabin. Every once in a while, she would yell out in agony. At this point, Jay couldn't tell if it was the dagger or a contraction. Either way, he hated seeing her in pain more than anything in the world. More than any injury he's ever had.

Zane came in with Kai and as much medical supplies as they could carry. Zane immediately went to tend to Nya, while Kai made his way over to Jay.

He knelt down and started to take off Jay's shoe. Jay instinctively pulled his foot backwards. "What are you doing?"

Kai stared up at Jay in confusion. "You said you twisted your ankle, right? I need to check to make sure it's not swollen." He reached for Jay's foot again. Jay pulled his foot back again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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