Story Descriptions

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"One By Night" Amara experiences firsthand the joys and perils of dating supernatural beings. You never know who you might find on a dating app-- maybe a vampire or a werewolf.

"Beware Underdressed Maidens..." An American tourist in Scotland falls under the spell of a beautiful young woman, sunning herself near an ice-cold lake. Will he live to tell the tale?

"Filed Under..." Ranger Calypta encounters a hiker with a most unusual story, about a woman who disappeared on the trail, leaving only a torn backpack and a pool of blood behind. The witness claims the blood caught fire, blazing a hypnotic blue.

"The Acolyte" A young woman in an unspecified, ancient civilization undergoes initiation into the magics of her people.

"Moondance" What do you do when the lover you cherish takes on an unexpected new form, unwillingly terrorizing the folk of the woods you've sworn to protect?

"Hearts and Stars" A chance bit of magic and a mysterious Tarot card reveal a missed opportunity for the love-blind Natalia.

"The Tall Man" Be wary of tall, handsome strangers with all the right moves on the dance floor-- they may whisk you clean off this mortal coil.

"Forget Me Not" Sarai visits her love late one night, and delivers a startling confession of the depths of her undying devotion to him.

"Incendiary Lovers" A hot and heavy extramarital affair turns downright combustible.

"The Magic of the Internet" Deborah the secretary and office gossip learns a hard lesson in workplace etiquette, after receiving a most bewitching email.

"The Cornicello Charm" How powerful are superstitions? Can they alter your fate when ignored?

"Two If..." What misadventures might befall Aidan and Ramona on an evening out? Aidan's Tarot cards suggest a major shift in perspective.

"Kintsukuroi" Can dreams mend a broken spirit?

"The Hermit" What insights do dreams and Tarot hold?

"Peaches and Spirits..." Is laughter on the wind on Halloween a sign of a spirit's presence?

"The Stone Fairy" reimagines the legend of the Tooth Fairy.

"Blood Moon" On the eve of the Blood Moon, Maribel beseeches the aid of the Goddess Luna. 

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