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Spring is Erwin's favourite season. Not a lot of people know that about him because it's rarely something brought up in a conversation but he feels it's important to know these things about people. He feels when they pass, the season they love will carry on with their spirit in tow. He likes to think he will live on in the breeze of spring.

The sunlight beams through the curtains in his office, the open window letting in a smooth, gentle wind and rustling some papers on his desk. Erwin allows the gust of air to wash over him as he sits back in his chair, taking a moment to breathe in the fresh air.

The papers suddenly fly off his desk and scatter throughout the room when the door is thrown open, letting out whatever peace Erwin found only moments ago.

"Commander!" Hange shouts.

Erwin sighs and bends down to pick up the papers littered around him. "Hange, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Hange pulls a chair out from the other side of his desk and throws themselves down into it dramatically.

"The kitchen is out of use because of those rats again." Hange whines. "Have you ever had to tell fifty new recruits they can't have any hot food because those little teeth have chewed through all the wires?"

Erwin's had to deal with a lot but he's grateful he didn't have to deal with that .

"We've tried everything to get rid of them but they keep coming back. I think Levi's still having a meltdown over the shit they've left behind." Hange chuckles.

Erwin smiles briefly at the thought of Levi fretting over rat faeces.

"Our monthly expenses for traps have exceeded its allowance." Erwin muses. "Poison is probably the best option."

"I don't like killing them." Hange says. "They're cute."

"They're vermin, Hange, and they're causing us more problems." Erwin grimaces.

"Yes but if you were take into account my idea of storing our food differently-"

"We've had this discussion. There's no guarantee that would fix the issue and it could potentially cause the kitchen to be out of service for longer than necessary. Not to mention the cost."

"Ugh! Money, money, money." Hange rolls their eyes.

Hange's idea was phenomenal. It was genius, in an ideal world where money could be flushed at the thought of 'what if', and Erwin would certainly at least acknowledge the blueprints, however, it is not an ideal world.

The idea focused solely on removing the food from the kitchen and storing it in a newly installed pantry. It sounded basic at first when it was suggested but then Hange began to speak about certain rat repellants and natural ways to stop them from infiltrating the kitchen and pantry. They had drawn up some sketches of vermin-proof units and allowed Erwin to truly see the knowledge they stored away.

"I'll be visiting the capitol in a few weeks for an event, perhaps I can ask for more funding then." Erwin replies. "But for now, we need to tackle the vermin."

Hange purses their lips but nods. They, thankfully, are understanding of Erwin's binds when it comes to costs. He's had to make some cutbacks on certain vegetables because the import cost has been raised significantly. It doesn't bother Erwin too much, he's not a fan of broccoli anyway, but Hange argues it contains a lot of antioxidants that's critical to everyone's health.

"I'll try and see if I can find how they're getting in." Hange says as they stand.

Erwin glances back down at the financial report before standing as well.

Cute Eruri moments (Erwin X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now