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Erwin made his way down the hallway after getting dressed for work and headed straight for the kitchen. He paused in the doorway and saw Levi at the counter busily mixing things in a bowl by the sink. Normally Erwin would head straight over and embrace Levi as he did every morning.

However, this morning Erwin was distracted by the item on the island counter opposite Levi. A freshly frosted layer of cake resting upon a cake stand. Erwin glanced over to Levi, whose back was turned, engrossed in his mixing. A mischievous smile crossed Erwin's face that had made him him seem almost childlike.

Erwin was usually a very composed individual with almost no weaknesses. One of them being cake, especially the cake his boyfriend baked him from scratch every year on his birthday. Sure, it would have been easier and less time consuming if Levi just went out and purchased a cake from some fancy bakery but Levi wouldn't have it and insisted on baking the cake himself every year just for Erwin.

This tradition is one of the many reasons that caused Erwin to fall in love with Levi. Just the fact that Levi put aside his usually busy schedule just to make this cake for him made it all the more special. Especially since it showed a side of Levi that most people outside of their small circle of friends would never see.

Most people saw Levi as distant and unapproachable and emotionally stunted. Erwin knew the truth. Levi is actually one of the most emotional people he's ever met. He just expresses himself differently. This was part of Levi's birthday gift to him every year and Erwin felt spoiled by all the love that is poured into this gift. This year, Erwin would surprise Levi with a gift of his own to thank him.

Erwin crept over to the island as quietly as he possibly could. He closed in on the cake and quickly moved his finger forward to steal a taste of chocolate icing.

"If you want to live long enough to eat that cake, I suggest you back away from that counter, Erwin." Levi warned.

Erwin quickly jerked backwards as if he had been shocked. He grinned sheepishly at having been caught and chuckled.

"I almost had it this time." He murmured as he wrapped his arms around Levi from behind.

"Tch, idiot, I could see you in the reflection from the window." Levi replied with a smirk.

Erwin furrowed his brows. "I guess I'll have to wait until after dinner then." He pouted.

"You know that face doesn't work on me, Erwin."

Erwin leaned down and nuzzled Levi's neck instead."But I know what does." He said in a low suggestive tone.

Erwin felt a sudden sting of pain on his hand that caused him to release his hold on the shorter male. He looked up to see Levi brandishing a wooden spoon.

"There'll be plenty of time for that tonight, now I have a cake to finish and you have to get to work."

Erwin backed away in defeat.

"Ok, you win Levi." He said with a chuckle as he headed towards the front door.

"I always do." Levi replied smugly as he handed Erwin his jacket. Erwin leaned down and Levi gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Levi smirked and gave Erwin a gentle push forward."Now get out." He replied with a smile playing upon his lips. Erwin just grinned and headed out towards his car.

Later that evening Erwin arrived back home accompanied by Mike, whom had been friends with Erwin for years. The men paused on the sidewalk on their way to the house.

"Did you bring it?" Erwin asked, feeling a little nervous now.

Mike looked at at Erwin with a shocked look on his face. "I knew I forgot something." He replied sadly. The usually composed Erwin, starts to panic.

Cute Eruri moments (Erwin X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now