Christmas Eve

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It was rare to have a snowfall on Christmas Eve in this city. It was not that kind of blustery, messy snow that ruined the thought of snow, it was soft, as if floating from the heavens instead of plummeting to the earth. It settled on everything in sight, cars, window sills, even the lamp post at the end of the road. In the dark, snow dotted night, the soft yellow glow was comforting.

By morning, it would look like a Christmas card.

Levi almost resented his choice to take a walk at this hour; it would ruin the white blanket that would soon settle on the world. But on a night like tonight, everyone would be inside in their homes, families putting excited children to bed, preparing for tomorrow. Lovers would be settled by the fire, covered with a fleece blanket, warm, safe, comforted by one another. A shiver tickled down Levi's spine at the thought of it. He wanted that. Up ahead, he saw a couple, no more than 18. The boy wrapped a red scarf around the girls neck and kissed her nose. He watched them share a chaste, sweet kiss before continuing on their late night stroll.

He smiled at the thought of having that with someone.
Someone to comfort him, to take care of him when he needed it, and someone to take care of and comfort. Somehow, every time he got close to that, something went wrong. They were not all he wanted, he was not what they wanted, and they parted ways as bitter friends.
He imagined someone pottering around his small apartment with him, someone setting the table for just the two of them while he cooked. Someone wrapping their arms around him from behind and kissing his head, talking about how good it smelled. Turning to face them and burying his face into their chest, breathing deep and feeling the warmth and safety that came from being in the arms of someone who loved him.

The thought made the wind seem even colder, and he tugged his coat tighter around him. It was what he truly wanted. He did not care for his birthday, Christmas, any present receiving holiday. Especially when no one could show up at his door and present him with the ideal partner. They did not even have to touch. Just talk, someone he could share his thoughts with, someone who could know him inside and out, someone who would understand the difference between the façade and the real him. Someone to just listen to his words.
He looked up from the snow falling at his feet and found himself outside a café, one he frequented. It was open. He looked at his bright red fingers and realized he could do with a tea. It was rather busy, only one seat left it seemed.

"Peppermint tea please" he felt someone step up behind him as he ordered, and he thanked the heavens the barista did not ask him to step aside while she took the next order. She handed him his tea and he found the empty seat he had spotted earlier, facing away from the counter. He sank into the armchair and blew on his tea. The soft murmur around him was nice; no one was being too loud. It was like a hum punctuated with laughs and giggles. And no one spoke to him. That was quite nice. As much as he wanted companionship, when it came to coffee shops, having a pity chat with someone who did not care for his thoughts was almost insulting.

His thoughts drifted back to his fantasy.

Now lying on the faceless man's chest, on the couch by the fire, a movie playing, white fairy lights twinkling and reflecting on the baubles on the tree. Their tree.

"Excuse me."

Levi turned, his expression one of shock, rather than anger at being pulled from his personal bubble of thought. Somehow, he could not bring himself to even consider being angry at the man before him. He was tall, broad, muscular without trying too hard. A natural born protector of sorts. His blond hair was parted neatly, with just a sliver slipping out of place and resting above Azure eyes. They were captivating, more beautiful than any blue he had ever seen. However, he realized he was staring.


He cringed at the way his voice broke in the middle. He sounded like a teenager.

"You dropped this"

Cute Eruri moments (Erwin X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now