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It was the perfect size for a make shift lock pick.

Gripping the plastic tighter, the boy glanced at the steel doors. His ears intensely focused on any sound of approaching footfalls.

When his parents found out about his sharp hearing, Karma took to grooming his son to perfect his senses, so his hearing and feel was more superb than others.

His stupid mistake was covering his ears with earphones while walking down that alley, disregarding Gakushū's constant reminders of being aware of his surroundings.

Youta listens for thirty seconds, making sure Valentine wouldn't suddenly reappear, before reaching one hand to his chained up ankles. The chains clank together, the sound was metallic and sharp, reminding the boy of his much younger days of watching his daddy sharpening his army knife and throwing it to his dummy target, impaling the sharp object to its heart.

Youta shook away his nostalgic thoughts before he becomes distracted. Instead, he replaced it with the thought of his furious fathers impaling his captor with their knives. He couldn't suppress a giggle at his dark thoughts for revenge.

"Focus!" He whispered to himself.

Forcing the thin plastic into the keyhole of one side of the lock, twisting the small thing left and right in an attempt to pick the metal lock. More sweat gathered in his brows, blowing his bangs to the side, his tongue stuck out slightly as he tightly turns the small object.

Twisting left once more, the lock suddenly snaps open with a 'click' sound. The iron falling from his ankles to the floor.

Youta's eyes widened at the innocent looking metal on the ground. Moving his ankles, the boy lifts his foot.

Grinning in triumph, he got onto his feet and kicked the air, feeling relief flood into him as he can finally move freely without getting yanked back.

His parents would be so proud.

Smirking, the boy ran towards the table and snatched the scalpel from the table, ignoring the painful agony that flares throughout his body as he stretches. He puts the scalpel in his pocket, squares his shoulders and gets ready to start moving.

Stuffing the lego in his other pocket, his eyes studies the table to see anything else that can be used against Valentine and escaping this hellhole. The strong urge to cuddle up to his dads made his throat hoarse, squeezing his eyes shut, he takes in a deep breath. Exhaling and inhaling for a good minute

Pulling out the scalpel and gripping it in his hand until the knuckles turned white.

His body was exhausted, his head throbbed, and his wounds still open, feeling frustrated he starts to turn around, his body begining to sag in exhaustion and mental strain

His entire body freezes when the metal door suddenly swung open, revealing the psycho standing behind it.

Youta jumped back, brandishing the sharp scalpel at him. "St-stay back!"  Youta screams, his voice cracking as he fights against the rising panic. He needs to stay calm and focused otherwise his panic will override his mind and he wouldn't be able to think properly as to what to do to escape.

"Stay t-the fuck away from me you sicko!"

But Valentine giggles, stepping closer and smiling. His eyes shining in hysterical madness.

"It hasn't even been an hour You-chan~" he purrs. "And I thought I could leave you alone for a while, that you would continue being a good little boy"

Youta shudders in repulsion as the maniac licks his lips.

His eyes suddenly hardened, jaw tightening as the muscles in his arms tense up, veins popping out of the dirty skin and causing the man's face to redden.

"But I was wrong! You need to be disciplined for being a fucking piece of shit! I know I promised your parents they have an hour but I believe your disobedience needs to be addressed-"

Youta suddenly rushed at the man with all his available streanght, the knife held out and his expression curled into one of pure desperation, malice and determination

Valentine doesn't even have time to flinch before the scalpel is suddenly thrown and buried deeply in his right eye

"AAAAAAAHHH!!!" he screams in pure agony and goes down like the giant from Jack and The Beanstalk, his bellowing cry bouncing off the walls and ringing in Youta's sensitive ears.

The young boy doesn't waste anytime, pumping with pure adrenaline he runs as fast as his injuries could allow him and shoots through the open doorway.

The hallway he is in is just as dimly lit as the room he was in. The same lights hanging from the ceiling and swaying back and forth.

He runs and runs in terror, listening as Valentine runs after him.

Desperate tears clouded his vision, and he hurriedly wipes them away.

"Come on come on come on Youta! You have to find a way out! Hurry hurry hurry!" He repeatedly told himself.

"YOOOOUUUTAAAA~ WHERE ARE YOU YOUTA?!" the man screams his name in a deranged howl. "I'M GOING TO GET YOU YOUTA!"

Swallowing down a sob he continues his sprint, ignoring the agony that stalls his body.

He was tired, he was scared, he was weak, he was injured, he was thirsty, and he just wanted to lie down and rest but he knows if he choses to give in to his mind's desires he'll die.


The boy turns left only for his face to collide with a wall.

The boy lands on his back, cradling his aching head.

His head desperately whips back and forth, searching for an exit.

"HEEEERE Youta Youta Youta!"

More tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. The boy give up and slumps against the wall as he tries to catch his breath back, he wishes for the millionth time that his daddy and papa was there to save him

Arms and legs giving up in exhaustion, his blood ran cold when Valentine comes into view

The scalpel was pulled out from his eye and now was in his hand, his expression betrayed burning rage

"Shit" he whispered

And then the man pounced

Give Him Back(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now