16: Some Things Are Best Left Unsaid

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Claire just stared. Deep brown eyes focused on Jim, Toby and the two new additions to their group, glaring with an intensity that was usually reserved for that of an angered mother. Nuñez didn't want to admit to herself she'd picked up the patented motherly death stare from her own mother, but having a parent who worked in local politics definitely helped her to become more assertive.
Jim shifted uncomfortably under the blazing fury of her gaze. He still kept his arms tightly wrapped around Toby though. Blinky backed away, he didn't know humans could possess such an intimidating look!
She angrily stormed towards the two boys and tried to assert herself even more.

"What in the ever-living fuck is happening here? What was that? Why are there trolls? Does magic exist? WHAT IS GOING ON CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME PROPERLY BEFORE I LOSE MY GODDAMNED MIND?!"

Blinky seconded this with a much calmer demeanour, "I also would like a proper explanation. I don't believe we received the full story earlier."

Jim sighed and beckoned for AAARRRGGHH!!! to come over, tenderly laying Toby's weak body into the crux of the troll's elbow. The large goliath of a troll grunted contently in response and smiled at Toby, the boy felt safe even if he couldn't explain why.
Jim then walked towards where Claire and Blinky stood. Both were a mixture of curious and annoyed.

"You wouldn't believe me, even if I were to tell you everything." His azure gaze fell to his feet.

"Try me! In the last 24 hours I've seen all sorts of batshit insane stuff happen!" Claire pointed a finger at him aggressively, trying her best to maintain the death stare.

Jim rolled his eyes, the levels of sass emanating from him were ludicrous. He so wanted to sass Claire back but composed himself so he didn't look like an utter asshole in front of his crush. Of course, if things had just gone correctly any of the other 24,999 times he'd reset the timeline, he wouldn't need to go through calling her his crush again. They'd just be a couple. They'd be happy. Toby would be happy. Everyone would still be alive.
He contemplated telling them everything, They'd already witnessed Daylight, which wasn't good - looked like Douxie was due another visit - and he'd reunited with Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!!. Yet despite this, the former Trollhunter couldn't bring himself to tell them, to tell Claire, everything. But they were due some form of explanation.

"Fine," Jim ran through a good enough story in his head, "You wanted the full story? Here it is."

He took a seat on a nearby rock, perching himself atop it, making sure Toby and AAARRRGGHH!!! could also hear him.

"I...I got cursed. A few days ago, I was messing around in the canals and I found this weird amulet thing. It felt weird when I held it, like some energy inside it was trynna search for something or someone inside my head. I figured it might be worth something so I took it and gave it to a local store that specialises in weird shit like that. Y'know occult stuff."

"GREAT GRONKA MORKA! YOU GAVE THE AMULET OF DAYLIGHT TO A HUMAN BOOKSTORE?!" Blinky snapped, practically shrieking in Jim's face.

"Do you mind?" He counteracted with annoyance.

"Ah...yes, apologies. But it was a very irresponsible thing to do!" The troll muttered as he backed away.

"Anyway, as I was saying," Jim eyed Blinky and carried on talking, "Shortly after I leave, I start feeling funny. I keep getting these visions. They were about Toby having this big fucking sword and killing some huge troll guy. Also showed you two, Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!!, showed me trolls exist. That's how I knew your names...I think I was meant to find you, that's why I was drawn out here. It also made me...well, what Claire and Tobes saw."

Claire didn't buy it, not all of it anyway. She recalled earlier in the alleyway that Jim had mentioned he couldn't eat when he was changed, suggesting that he'd known for a little longer than a few days. Something wasn't adding up, but for the time being she chose not to question it further. Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! seemed content with the explanation at least.

For Whom The Bell Tolls (Trollhunters continuation/Evil Jim AU)Where stories live. Discover now