Suck it sticker face

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Sooooo uh, yesterday was weird. Sunny got punched and well, that's basically it. Also the principal approved of prom.

"Ok so uh. We're all just gonna waltz into these doors like nothing happened yesterday?" Sunny asked as he and Tate walked side by side. She just smiled at him and nodded. "Do you know the school we live in man? The star student of our school can go missing for a week or two and nobody would notice" "Kinda like you didn't notice I was walking right behind you both" Margo popped up behind Tate smiling widely. "Margo and Tate!" Tate K shouted, hugging her friends. "Where the hell were you yesterday? "Family stuff. Don't wanna go into details though" Margo answered. "I kinda skipped school with his guy named Karl" Tate B said. "Hey Sunny" Margo greeted him, waving and he waved back.

"Hi Marge" "Wait what happened to your face buddy?" "Uh, I kinda got slapped by Dolly" "Ugh wait, lemme guess, bagel?" Tate and Sunny nodded. "Of course. Hold up" Margo reached into her bag and pulled out, a sheet of stickers. Specifically picked a smiley sun sticker, she placed it onto his cheek making him smile. "Your little prize for surviving a slap from Dolly thanks to Hazel Ellis" The two exchanged laughs as both Tates looked on with a smile. "Well aren't you two the cutest pair I've ever seen" Tate K teased. "Hey, when's the wedding you two?" Tate B added.

"Tate!" Sunny exclaimed in embarrassment. "Hey I'm just saying bubs" Margo shook her head with a slight grin. She did indeed have this little crush on Sunny since they were middle schoolers and now they're all in high school and nothing about those feelings has changed since. She never really thought of herself dating Sunny, however but when she thought of it butterflies fluttered through her stomach like crazy and made her smile like a goofy idiot, but she liked that feeling a lot.

"Ladies, shall we head inside now?" Sunny held out his hands and Tate K and Margo gladly held them. But this just made butterflies rush throughout Margo's stomach and made her smile uncontrollably. Heh, these were the feelings as mentioned before. Man she loved this guy. The trio walked inside the school, holding hands smiling like the whole way inside. "Well Tate, tell me more about this Karl guy" Margo asked, adjusting her turtleneck collar, sitting lingering onto Sunny's arm. "Well let's just say I met him in the back alley of a restaurant, we spoke~"

Margo, Tate K and Sunny could all already tell where this was heading

"And then I arm wrestled him for a twenty dollar bill"

"Ohhhhhh" The trio dragged out, Margo sighing in relief that well, Tate B didn't say what she believed. "And then we started hanging out because he admired how oddly strong I was. And because he thought I was cute, but he never told me that directly"

"Then how the hell did you know he thought you were cute?" Margo asked. "Oh I could just see the look on his adorable face"

"Does he go to our school?" Sunny asked. "He doesn't. He's in the same grade as us, close to graduation"

"Hey speaking of graduation, our principal agreed with our idea of prom!" The three girls began squealing in joy and hopped around making Sunny just stand there smiling. "Holy shit, I knew it, I knew, I knew this day was gonna happen!" Tate B cheered. "Bitch graduation's in twenty seven days why didn't you tell me sooner!?" "I asked her yesterday but I thought you'd be here so I couldn't tell you!" "Uhm you could've FaceTimed me!" "Whatever TB it's happening and it's all gonna work out. We've been planning this since our first day of high school. This will all work out, I can guarantee you"

"We got so much to do, we gotta think of themes, we need outfits to be chosen, and more importantly, we need money to do all this"

"Hey, I heard prom and someone mention they need money. And I've come clawing" Dolly said, popping up behind Sunny and Tate K. "Oh! Hey Dolly! You uh, seem awfully pleased with yourself" Tate said, surprised Dolly doesn't seem fazed by what happened yesterday, but didn't really wanna remind her. "Well first off, I'm always happy with my life" Well that's not ENTIRELY true, Dolly had a shitty mom who wanted nothing but perfection from her daughter at all times, while her dad treated Dolly like a princess. "Second, I know you all need help with prom and I'm willingly to help" "Let me guess, is it because you're stinking rich?" Margo sassed. "It's because you're my friends and well, I'm stinking rich"

"That's exactly what I said dude" "Ok let's get down to basics, what do we really need?"

"Outfits need to be paid for, food and drinks, decorations, a preferred theme needs to be placed, transportation, and someone needs to manage the budget" Tate K laid out.

"Ok, lemme stop you there. First, the logistics is something Kyler can help with, he's got those kind of connections. Food is something I know, Tate's gonna handle. Decorations, budget, and theme and etcetera will be handled by whomever else dares to get involved"

"Hey, you think we can discuss this after? Classes are gonna start soon, and I do NOT need Sam on my back about being late" Tate K suggested. "Fair point. Assemble back at the lounge when we get the chance?" Sunny asked. "Definitely, see you all around" Tate K walked away fro the group as everyone else disbanded.

"W-wait Sunny! Uh, I'm sorry-shit-"

"You're sorry hitting me yesterday?"

"Yes damn it! I'm sorry that spider looked way too realistic I couldn't think straight and well when it hit your face I freaked" "Hey, it's ok. But I assume you got back at Hazel didn't you"

"Yeah no, i don't necessarily play like that but I promise I'll get back at them soon. But again, I'm sorry"

"Hey, it's absolutely fine. I've experienced an injury way worse than a simple smack to the face"

"Such as?"

"Breaking my thumb in a baseball incident with my aunt"

"I never knew you liked baseball"

"Oh I don't, I just did it for fun until that baseball flew a little too fast and hit my thumb. Let's just say I was screaming like a madman for quite some time"

"Gee, thanks for the mental image Talbot"

"Aww you're welcome"

"Sweet and a smartass, your aunt must have a blast raising you"

"She says I get it from her, no offense but I doubt that" The two laughed, aimlessly agreeing. Margo had just been staring at the two, feeling a slight but pissed. Dolly, maybe never knew that Margo had a crush on her own friend but still, she couldn't get over this feeling. One minute, she felt like she was on cloud 9 but now she sunk like the Titanic. She walked away and eventually bumped into Ludo Parker. "Oh hey! So sorry about that"

Holy shit, an idea hit her. It's gonna be petty as hell, but it's an idea


Margo and Sunny are my babies 😫😫😫

But Dolly and Sunny are adorable too 🥰🥰

Tate k and b supremacy 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐

Margo's gonna become devious af

Sorry if I didn't add more characters, there's so many and I don't really know how I'll fit them into just one chapter, so hopefully you'll get the chance to see them sooner or later

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