Papa Wilford pt. 1

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I walked through streets trying to find where this fucking club was. It has been a ruff day and I just need to dance my troubles away. As I walked I couldn't help but already imagine the music. The way the notes peaked and dropped at all the perfect spots.

Now... I could only imagine him.. his voice sounded just as perfect as the beat that brought the song together, just as he kept this god forsaken club together.

I never got the honor of learning his name but I could always find him in a crowd because of his signature pink afro and mustache. 

Maybe he's the reason I've been going to this place so often, even being in the same room as him gives me a thrill. His energy is full of danger and intrigue. Yet he has this... thing about him, as if you can't help but be drawn towards him whether you love or hate him.

I was still thinking of this mystery man as I made it to the front doors of the club.

As soon as I slipped inside I saw the man without even a second to think and I couldn't help but fluster at the sight of him greeting guests with laughter and drinks. 

Every movement he made looked predetermined and perfect, everything orbited around him as if he was the main character and we were all just his supporting cast. I could help but stare.

He continued walking around greeting people until he decided it was time for the real party to start. I watched in awe as he got up on stage and the low background hum of the base slowly turned into an upbeat tune.

He started dancing but it was smooth and calculated like he planned out all of him movements beforehand. I sat over to the side as I do every visit to this club of electric music and sweaty bodies .

Just as I was starting to get comfortable in the spot I had picked the mystery man locked eyes with me. It was a small glance and in response my heart gave a quick beat until he smiled over at me with curiosity and amusement.

He slowly made his way over to me still dancing like the God he seemed to be. He jumped off the stage and to make up for the loss of the lead performer the music grew even more.

The music was so loud I almost couldn't hear my own thoughts but it was worth it when the mystery man was only a few feet away from me.

I started to look around as if I didn't see him, or as if I was going crazy to see him walk over to ME. I was confused when he walked right up to me and just put his hand out in a wordless request to dance.

I looked around one last time and once I looked back to see him swig a sudden glass of margarita back and throw it off to the side without a shatter before I took his hand without question.

He led me to the dance floor, I didn't know how to dance so I just followed his lead. I grew anxious as my feet fumbled alongside his and it didn't help that my heart couldn't calm.

He quickly noticed my panic and lightly grabbed my chin so I was looking directly into his eyes. He smiled and kicked up both my feet only to land them on his.

I was now standing on his feet which made it so our faces were only a few inches apart. I was stunned by this closeness and hoped the dim lighting hid my heated face.

When a small smile formed on the mystery man's lips I assumed that my hopes were false. 

I tried to get some space between us with one fatal fail as I fell, just for him to catch me with his arm wrapping around my back every so smoothly, chuckling.

Stunned, I just stared up at him as he slowly brought me back into a standing upright position.

I can't remember how long we danced but as soon as people died down I slowly came to a stop. He looked at me with what seemed to be confusion in his eyes as he also stopped dancing.

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