Chapter 38

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trigger warning: Depiction of anxiety attack.

"Alastor wait-!" Two voices called out at the same time.

Anthony startled, realized the other voice was from the lighter blonde. They watched him bolt from the aisle. That heavy weight plagued his chest as a cold feeling settled in.

All too late, he understood why Alastor had suddenly acted so weird. He felt guilty that he didn't realize it sooner. But there wasn't time to blame himself. He was in a situation he truthfully had no place being in. But standing around doing nothing wasn't an option.

As Alastor ran off, Anthony looked at the other blonde who had taken a step in Alastor's direction. He quickly put an arm out to block him, giving him a look. Wordlessly, Lucifer moved away, backing down. He looked... hurt. Why? Never mind, there wasn't time, Alastor needed him right now. He put the presence of Lucifer behind him for now, leaving the aisle. Whipping his head around frantically he barely managed to catch the glimpse of the shop's singular bathroom, the door being closed and a soft click following...

Alastor backed away from the door as if it would bite him. He breathed heavily, unable to control it. His heart was racing. It ached. He pressed his hands to his mouth, ignoring the nausea in his stomach. He moved back until his back hit the wall. He slid down it, closing his eyes. Everything felt floaty. His palms were clammy and cold. His forehead glossed with sweat. He pulled his knees to his chest, covering his head. His breathing broke into hiccups as he desperately tried to get oxygen into his chest.

He couldn't be here... He couldn't. No, he couldn't be here. He wasn't ready to face him, he wasn't ready. He couldn't talk to him. He couldn't-

He gagged; He took his hands away from his mouth. Curling his arms around his legs. He felt the burning sensation at the back of his throat. The strong aroma of him wafting through the shop still.

"Get out! I never want to see you again! Get out of my life!"

He wasn't mature, he wasn't grown! He was still just a scared little kid. Lost and afraid!

"Fine... if that's what you want."

He was locking himself in a bathroom! Hiding away like always! Why! Why couldn't he just face him?! Why couldn't he just face anything! Any of his fears? Why did it have to be so hard? So difficult? So painful?

Why couldn't he just face Lucifer? And talk to him?!

Why couldn't he just face Gene and protect his mother?!

Why couldn't he just let go! And let himself fall for Anthony!

Because you'll hurt them all.

He swallowed the painful lump in his throat, curling in on himself tighter. Wanting to disappear from the world. He felt that familiar prickle at his gums as his fangs came down.

... .Anthony briskly ran up to the door. He glanced around, nobody seemed to notice that little scene. And he couldn't see Lucifer anywhere. He softly knocked on the door, "Al?" This felt familiar. He waited for a response, but Alastor didn't give one. Frowning, he turned and put his ear to the door. Just barely could he make out the sharp intake of breath and fast breathing.

He moved back, reaching into his hair. He plucked out a bobby pin that was keeping a strand of his bangs back, and it fell down as a result. His father taught him a lot of different things he didn't think he would need. For example, how to pick a lock with a bobby pin. He'd have to thank him later. For now, he quickly worked the bobby pin into the lock. Fiddling with it... In the back of his mind, he wondered where Lucifer went. But he was more glad the man wasn't trying to start something. A problem for later.

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