A unique love

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You were in the midst of the perfect Sunday afternoon. Currently lying near the edge of Steven's bed, your feet resting on the grainy sand surrounding it, with your head placed on his lap... it was the bliss you were craving, especially after the hectic week you had all gone through.

To be honest, Steven no longer needed to place the sand around his bed or follow the rituals he is used to before going to sleep, but the first time he tried to stop the routine, he ended up feeling extremely restless to the point where he started to have a panic attack. So you had all decided that the best course of action was to take it one small step at a time and not rush into changing things all of a sudden. And the smallest change he could think of was starting with the tape on the door. 

He still felt anxious when he didn't place the tape on the door, his heart quickening its pace as panic settles in. But he has been working through it together with you and Marc. He even progressed to the point where he placed the tape every alternate day, the plan being to slowly increase the period between the activity.

He was doing really good recently and both you and Marc were extremely proud of his progress.

The grains of sand slipped underneath your feet bringing you back to the present.

Steven's fingers were twirling and combing through your hair absentmindedly as he read you the story of Nefertari and Ramesses II, a love so great that it continued to spark the hearts of lovers through time and space.

"My love is unique – no one can rival her, for she is the most beautiful woman alive. Just by passing, she has stolen away my heart" He read the famous quote written on Nefertari's burial chamber by Ramesses II, looking down at you, all smiles. He gently placed the book on the bed to focus his entire attention on you, stroking your cheeks gently, knowing that you were a sucker for soft touches.

You smile as you turn your head upwards to look at him, fingers reaching for his curls that fell elegantly on his forehead, goosebumps rising on your arms at the simple yet electric intimacy you had with Steven. But just as your eyes met his, you felt the shift as Marc takes over, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

You push out of his lap, worry frowning your eyebrows as the tears decide to break the barriers of his beautiful eyes, spilling onto his soft cheeks.

Sitting up quickly, you knelt in front of him to gently wipe the tears away, your palm cupping his face.

"What's wrong baby?" You ask softly as he leans into your hand.

He shakes his head vigorously as he pulls you closer to press a gentle kiss on your forehead. His lips are wet from the tears that have now decided to shed unabashedly, pulling little hiccups from his throat.

"Baby, Marc, what's wrong?" your voice is laced with worry. You could count on one hand the number of times Marc had broken down in front of you, and your heart was breaking with every sob that crawled from his heart.

"Nothing kitten" he whispered, as he presses a kiss on your lips, pulling you closer to his body, his pulse thundering against your hand that was on his neck. The kiss suddenly took on a desperation that you had never felt from him, his hands running over your arms as if he was trying to commit your touch, your taste, your shivers to his memory. 

As if he is saying goodbye.

"Marc?" You choke out, your heart spilling from your eyes, his desperation creating a weird vacuum in your stomach.

But by the time you open your eyes, Steven was already taking control.

"Hey love," he said wiping the tears away and pulling you close.

"What happened? Why... why did he leave?" you ask as Steven pulls you into a hug, and rubs your back, gently letting your sobs settle down.

He shakes his head turning to the small hand mirror near his bed.

"Marc?" He asks, his forehead wrinkling as a strange sadness overtakes his features.

"What's wrong?" your voice quivers with fear as Steven turns away from the mirror.

"I don't know. He has put up this mental barrier that I just can't seem to get through... He does this sometimes, goes into isolation, and cuts off from awareness." he says shrugging slightly, worry evident in his eyes.

"But don't worry, he will come around eventually," Steven says softly as he takes in your frightened expression, rubbing your back to calm you down as if to let you know that everything was alright.

You nod, your body relaxing in Steven's arms as he holds you tight and whispers soft reassurances. Your mind was still whirling with the sudden turn of events, but you know one thing for sure - that interaction with Marc is the last one you will have for a while. 

Your tears flow freely, dampening Steven's shirt as the realization settles like lead in your heart.

You don't have to hurt me to love me | Moon KnightWhere stories live. Discover now