A good ole beginning

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~At the end of which you had come into their lives, an over-excited fan of Steven's work, who had crashed into him spilling cold coffee all over his white suit.~

Apologies led to dinner, which soon led to finding out that they lived in the same building, heck the same floor as you. It was a miracle that you hadn't bumped into each other earlier.

After one of your late-night coffee runs to your favorite shop across the street, you stumbled back in a zombie state to your apartment only to find your keys not opening the door to your house as you had expected.

What did open the door was Steven's startled face that matched yours. Just as a scream was about to erupt from your throat on finding him in your apartment, he clasped your mouth, demeanor shifting just a bit before he pulled you inside and locked the door behind you.

You remember kicking him the nuts and biting his hand as you glared at him. As he fell to the floor with a wince, you had brought your purse closer, ready to use it as an attack weapon if the need arises.

"Lookie here mister. Just because I like your work, doesn't give you any right to come inside a lady's apartment at..." you glanced at your watch "3'o clock in the morning! What the fuck is wrong with you?" You yelled, turning around to unlock the door to find Steven's hand right next to your head, closing the door shut.

You turned around, anger boiling to find him inches away from your face.

"What. The. Fuck?" You growled out, getting your purse ready to smack the shit out of him when you noticed a dried stream of blood that graced the side of his forehead.

You were so zeroed in on the blood that you didn't hear his response, focusing on him only when he snapped his fingers in front of your face.

"I'm sorry?" You mumble, glance shifting back to the dried blood on his face. A glance he must've noticed as well because the tension left his body, softening his features to one that you recognized a bit more, even in your coffee haze.

"Y/N, I don't what's going on, but don't you think it's a little impolite to try and break into someone's place, then try to scream at the top of your voice, and attack the person who was just trying to sleep?" he asked, his accent thick with exhaustion.

"What?" You responded, confusion taking over your features as you glanced around and found yourself in an extremely unfamiliar setting. Steven's words dropped into your mind, much like a Tetris game, random but with enough context and time leading to a fully formed block. A block that you would be extremely grateful for right now to either knock yourself out or dig a hole through the ground so that you could get swallowed by the Earth.

How would a block help in digging through the floor though?

And would you even reach the ground or just fall into another person's flat?

How many flats would you have to dig through to actually reach the ground?

You were once again brought to reality when Steven pressed a gentle hand on your shoulders, an amused smile gracing his features as he let you in on a secret that just confirmed your hypothesis, one that could very easily send you back to the plan of digging through the floors.

"I think you were trying to enter your house, but instead ended up looking like a sneaky little thief trying to break into mine." He replied helpfully, amused at the horrifying expression that overtook your features.

"Before you zone out again though, do you need help getting back to your house? Or anything else, like a glass of water?" He asked hurriedly, as the block made an appearance in your mind, just within reach but not real enough to help you.

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