𝗂𝖿 𝗐𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄 - 𝗌𝗂𝗑

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"it's written in the stars, your destiny is casted

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"it's written in the stars, your destiny is casted."


The shock Wendy had plastered on her face made your heart sink deep into your ribcage. Of course, she's shocked as to what you said. It's her husband we're talking about, and you just said he's going to do something bad to them!

Wendy softly put her mug of coffee down and her brows were furrowed together, "Y/N ...what makes you say that?" she questioned.

"Wendy, haven't you noticed?" you asked, straightening your posture as your heartbeat quickened. You thought of what to say next. You wanted to use the right words so you wouldn't hurt Wendy's feelings, especially while her son is on her lap.

"Wendy, I...I think we should talk about this later." you concluded, slowly slouching back into the wooden seat.

Wendy nodded her head in agreement, "That sounds like a good idea."


Wasn't a shocker my precious Y/N went off and talked to Wendy, she's just scared. I can understand, she's just warming up to me. I saw how she reacted earlier, how she calmed down when I touched her.
Clearly, our relationship is getting better every day.

Still, I am frustrated that she's going to tell Wendy about my little plan. I'll admit, Y/N is quite the smart one.

I pushed myself off the wall that lead into the kitchen. It was easy to be a spy in this hotel, especially when everything said echos.


The sloshing of the mop and water in the bucket soothed you, for some odd reason. You can't fully understand why, but the quietness and satisfaction of cleaning was calming.

You mixed the mop around in the soapy water before pulling it out, letting some water drip off the mop before splatting it into the hardwood floor. You hummed a soft toon as you moved the mop around, cleaning up the dusty floors.

Spinning around and doing you work, the man leaning against the nearest wall was something you didn't notice.

"So, my sweetest Y/N, what did you plan on telling Wendy later?" the gruff voice spoke, breaking your peaceful silence.

You jumped, a small squeak of surprise passing your lips as you whipped around; facing the man you didn't want to see, ever again.

"Jack! Jack, hi, uhm..what do you mean by that?" you asked, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you gripped onto the mop.

Jack smirked at you, "For such a smart girl, you do ask stupid questions."

Your cheeks flushed at the compliment and insult as you stammered, "Oh, well, uh..." you avoided the brunettes gaze as you swayed slightly.

"Do I make you nervous, Y/N?" Jack spoke up, taking a step towards you.

You gulped, "N—No! No, of course not, sir."

Jack purred, "using 'sir', hm? Well, isn't that arousing," he teased, coming closer to you.

"Sir—Jack, please. This isn't okay! The touching, the dirty talk, the—," Jack shh'ed you as he took the mop from your hands, placing it against the wall closest to you two as he wrapped an arm around your waist.

Jack stared down at you and you felt your face heating up as your heartbeat fastened. You looked down, hiding you face in Jack's chest as he moved his hands to grip your hips.

"Awe, don't get shy on my now, Y/N." Jack purred, his grip tightening on your hips and pulling you closer to him.

Your hands trailed up Jacks torso, resting onto his chest as you choked out an exhale.

"This isn't right, Jack," you whimpered, "You're married, happily married, and you have a son!"

Jack snorted, "Happily married, ple—ease! Wendy and I aren't happy, anymore. That's why I plan on riding of her and Danny." he said, "So, we can be happily married." Jack added.

You felt your eyes widen at his remark, "Us..m-married?!" you trembled in his grip as Jack smiled down at you.

"Yes, of course, we'll be married after Wendy and Danny are gone. You think i'm riding of them for the hell of it? Well, you would be right, but..." he leaned in close so his lips were inches from yours, his warm, minty breath fanning your face as he spoke, "but I'm also killing them so we can be together."

You heart skipped a beat, "What?!"

Why was he getting such a reaction out of you? Why was your stupid heart beating so fast every time you saw him, every time he touched you?

"You don't need to admit it. I know you think it's a great idea," Jack spoke, his cold fingers messing with the waist band of your grey sweatpants; tugging and pulling at the elastic.

The pit of your stomach began to burn as a heat grew between you legs. Why did he have such an effect on you?

You slowly began to push Jack back, "No, Jack, this isn't okay. Murder isn't okay," you rebuked, looking away from him.

Jack's face hardened as he scowled, "You say that, but I know you want me. You want me so fucking bad, but you know it's dirty. You feel dirty and gross with the thought of me being with you, fucking you."

You gulped, and continued to look away; because he was right. The thoughts do make you feel dirty, but good at the same time.

Jack clicked his tongue, dragging a finger across your jaw, "So, since you fully know my plan, today and tomorrow, I need you to be a good girl and listen to me." he said, forcefully grabbing your chin and making you look at him, "That means; when I tell you to go to your room and stay there, you listen and do as I say."

You slowly nodded your head, understandably. Jack smiled, "Good girl. Now, I need to go prep for...later," he said, letting go of you before he leaned close to your ear, "And you better prep for our honeymoon." he added, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.

Your face reddened and you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment as Jack walked away. You took a deep breath and fanned your face, the coolness helping with the heat that was radiating off you.

You sighed and grabbed the mop from behind you, dipping it back into the bucket and mopping the floor, again.

𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲, 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. |  𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭.  Where stories live. Discover now