𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗒𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 - 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

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 "Can't help falling in love with you

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"Can't help falling in love with you."


Concrete isn't the ideal bed, especially how the hard content causes tight muscles and aching joints, but it was bearable. The "nap" was pure bliss. It felt that the only safe place was in the dream-realm, where Jack couldn't get you.

The small clanking and shuffling of the locks to the metal door made your body jolt and become rigid. You shuffled away from your sleeping spot, your back pressing heavily against a bag of potatoes as you stared at the door, the noises continuing. You kept pushing yourself into the sacks, your eyes squeezing shut. As if hoping that you would just vanish into the potatoes if you kept doing what you were doing.

The locks finally came undone and the door pushed open. A small head popped in and Danny's wide eyes met your fearful ones.

"Y/N!" the small, panicked voice of Danny echoed in the room as he ran in. You opened your arms and the brunette threw himself into you. He hid his face in the soft material of your turtle neck as his frail arms circled around your torso.

"Danny, God, i'm glad you're okay," you praised, one of your hands reaching up to pet the boys head. "Where's Wendy? Jack? Where are they?" you quickly asked, staring down at Danny.

Danny looked up at you, his chin resting against your chest as his teary eyes looked up at you. His soft features and glossy doe-eyes made him look like a kicked puppy.
"M—Mommy pushed me out a window, and then when she tried to climb through, she got stuck! So i came back for her and then i heard snoring in here, and i thought it was mommy, but it's you!" his bottom lip quivered as he thought about his missing mother.

Your face flushed, though. The fact that Danny heard your snores embarrassed you, but there's no time to dwell on that.

You cupped Danny's face in your warm palms and spoke slowly, "Danny, you stay in here. I'm going to leave to find Wendy, then i'll bring her to you, but you have to stay here okay?" you queried, Danny slowly nodding his head.

As you placed Danny to the side, tucking him away under a table and pushing potato sacks in front of him, a loud scream erupted in the hotel—Danny screaming, too. You shh'ed the boy and hurried out the pantry, locking the bulky door behind you.


Your steps were quick but silent as you made your way through the Overlook Hotel. Blood rang in your ears as you head became fuzzy as you turned the corner, towards the front entrance of the hotel.

A crude laugh stopped you in your tracks, your body quickly moving up against a wall. You peaked your head around the corner nearest to you, just to see the sight of Dicks bloody body, Jack looming over him, and an axe gripped in his hand. Thick blood dripped off of the sharpened blade of Jacks axe as he flung it over his head.
You clasped a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from screaming while Jack swung the axe down, the crisp weapon clashing into Dicks skull. A loud cracking noise echoed off the walls of the hotel while Jack wiggled the axe around before pulling it up, a glossy line of blood flinging in the air.

It all happened in slow motion and an audible sob slipped past your lips, making Jack stop from swinging the axe back down. The brunettes body froze before he slowly turned his head to the side, looking over his shoulder. Your eyes widened and you forced your body to move. You ran down the hall, opposite of Jack. You could feel your knees slightly buckling under you as your kept running.

The loud thumping of Jacks boots kept you moving. You took quick glances over your shoulder, seeing that Jack wasn't super close but he wasn't very far. Though you did notice the limp he had, which was probably the reason that was making him slower.

"Y/n, how'd you get out?" Jack yelled, your body hair prickling up. "Get away from me, Jack!" you panicky spoke, continuing down the hall oddly empty hall.

"Y/n, darling, please come here," Jack ordered, but you didn't listen. He no longer has control over you, not after seeing how he handled Dick.
"No, you're going to kill me!" you shouted, quickly turning a corner.

"Princess, i promise that i won't! i'd never do
that to you," Jack continued following you, "I'd never hurt you, let alone kill you!". You didn't stop, though, "No, i- i- i don't believe you!"

"Y/n, get back here!"

"Make me, bitch!"

You turned another corner, but went face first into a clothed chest. Two Hands grabbed your biceps quicker then your reaction time. You screamed before looking up, the ugly bald bitch named Delbert glared down at you, his cold and hollow eyes piercing in yours.
"No, no, no! Let me go, you fugly bitch!" you screamed, your fists coming up to punch his torso.

"Not very kind of you, Miss. Y/n," Delbert stated, his voice angering your more, but you don't have time for this. You looked over your shoulder to see Jack rounding the corner, a sick smile twisting at the corners of his lips.
"No, no, no!" you repeater, ripping an arm out of Delberts grasp, bawling your fist and throwing a hard punch onto the half-bald man's jaw. His hands lifted off you and he stumbled back. You took this as a chance to grab his shoulders, lifting your knee up to shove it deep into his gut. A pained gasp leaving his mouth as you continued the action a couple more times.

Jacks booming laugh echoed in the hallway, making you turn around. Your eyes met Jacks dark ones as he stopped walking, and arms distance between the two of you.
"Didn't know you had the in you, princess." Jack smirked, but you snarled, "I'll do the same to you if you come closer," you threatened, your brows squishing together as you buy the inside of your cheek. You vowed to hate this man forever but, Goddamn, did you look hot covered in blood.

"Someone's in a fierce mood," Jack winked, his teeth biting into his bottom lip as he smiled. "Where's Wendy?" you questioned, slowly backing up. Jack shrugged, "I don't know. That bitch of a wife cut my hand open, see?" he asked, lifting a hand up to show the thick cut that oozed out blood.

"Did you kill her?" you kept the questions going, you needed to know, for Danny's sake. Jack shrugged again, "You tell me."

You quickly looked over your shoulder, seeing that Delbert had vanished made you more confident. "Jack, i'm not playing games," you spoke sternly, trying your best to not crumble under his hard glare. You saw Jacks grip tighten on the axe, "I never said you were, love." , "Then answer my questions and stop stalling!".

Jack only smiled at you as you continued to take steps back, only for him to stalk forward. He is playing games with you, just like all the other days you've spent with him.
Your throat squeezed as a lump took form, "Jack," you gulped, "where is Wendy?" you asked. Jack let out a chuckle, "Maybe you should go check outside, pretty sure she got...stuck."


The snowcat Dick used to get up to the hotel was wrecked, but so was Wendy. Her body hung out of the car doors window, broken glass covered the snowy lot. Apple red blood dripped forms Wendy's corpse, the pretty white snow getting painted red. The soft breeze that rolled through the mountains made Wendy's hair softly blow around, causing you to be able to see the deep gash that split her head right open. With how she was positioned, you could tell that Jack smashed the window and pulled her out.

You started to shake your head and clasp your hands over your mouth, tears pricking out of your waterline, "No, no, Wendy...". A soft thump came from behind you while Jack snaked his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder.

"You should've heard her, baby," Jack whispered, "She sure had a pair of lungs, i'll tell you that." he added, placing a gentle kiss on the side of your neck. You cupped your hands over Jacks, "Is this is?" you asked, your voice cracking.

Jack stifled, "Sure is, sweetheart." You felt your heart skip a beat, the air getting trapped in your lungs.

This is it. It's happened.

You sharply inhaled and your eyes widened.


𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲, 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. |  𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭.  Where stories live. Discover now