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  Kio came back for spring break to visit his family. The Hale's and McGerrett's went to watch Steve's game

"Come on Steve you can do it! Knock 'em down, roll 'em around c'mon defens work!!" John yelled

As the game went on Milani couldn't stop thinking about Steve. She just wanted to kiss him so bad.

Kukui's won the game
Lani and her family were about to leave when Lani sow her friend and she came up to her and said
"Lani I thought you wouldn't come!"
"My mom made me come so here I am!"
"Lani don't look but the Kukui quarterback back is looking at you!" Lani smiled at her friend and she turned her head to look at the boy. Her friend Halia took her chin to turn her her back at her
"Lani I just told you not to look, yo he's coming over here!" Halia said
Lani turns to see Steve running across the feald and stoped in front of the two girls
"Here to say something stupid"
"No not really!" Steve said and leant down to give the girl a kiss on the lips
"Omg Steve Kio is ganna kill you if he sees you!"
"I'll risk it" Steve smirked "Leave your window open tonight!"
"Ok but know your mom will kill you!"
"Well I don't care I'll risk it to"
"Know go take a shower you stink" Lani pushed him off of her and Steve pulls her back and gives her a nother kiss and then runs off
"Umm, Lani what just happened?"



Well this one short!

Forever in my heart |Steve McGerrett|Where stories live. Discover now