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It was almost 10:30 and Lani was sitting in her bed painting her nails thinking about the math test tomorrow morning.

When she finished painting her she heard a knock on the window she almost forgot about  Steve telling her to leave the window open. She quickly got out of her bed to open the window.

"Hey, I told you to leave the window open!" Steve said it to Lani with a small smile
"I'm sorry I forgot I have this big math test tomorrow and I'm a little nervous." Lani said with a nervous voice. She let Steve in and he's said
"Hey your ganna do great baby, your smart way smarter then me." He kissed her cheek. Lani smiled at him, she looked in his eyes and kissed his soft lips. Then Steve picked her up and Lani wrapped her legs around him, Steve put his hands on he's thighs. Steve laid down on her bed sliding his hands up her ass, Lani still in his lap kissing him.

Lani pulled away and said "I have a test tomorrow so we should go to bed" 
Steve looked at her with a smirk and said okay.
Lani got off of his lap and laid next to him getting underneath the blanket she hugged him

Steve looked at her and said
"I love you" Lani looked at him shocked of what he just said
"Baby? Please say something" Lani said nothing she was frozen " You don't have to say it back ok I'll wait as long as you nee-"  Lani cut him off bay giving him a kiss on the lips
"I love you to"


Yoooo I'm back I was gone for a while I had some stuff to do with my life but I'm back it was not a long chapter but it's some thing.

I don't know when the next part will be out but hopefully I have time tomorrow so yeah until next time! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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