Chapter 1 (Back to School)

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Yes! It's back to school baby! After releasing our song last June, maybe everyone was talking about Actually I'm not really sure Yet! I know it's a weird name. It should be called Dorkalicuos.

My phone vibrated in the middle of the night. Who will that be?

Chloe: OMG! I can't wait to go to school!
Zoey: Me too. But next time try to send a message when were not asleep!
Me: Come on guys! Go Back to sleep!
Chloe: Girlfriend! Mackenzie will pee on her pants if she heard our song! Principal Winston had already told us that he will show it to everyone at school.
Me: I know that so go to sleep.


Hey! Maybe Chloe was right. Anyway after that conversation with my BFFs, I went Back to sleep.

(To be continue)

I woke up early. Because of Brianna.

"Nikki! Remember Oliver? Mrs. Wallabanger's grandson? He will transfer to our school! And Miss Penelope can't wait to see Mr Buttons again!" Brianna screamed excitedly.

"Yeah your excited because your seeing Oliver. You first crush!" I teased. "Brianna and Oliver, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

"Stop it!" Them she stomped out of the room and slammed the door so loudly.

I took a shower, dressed my favorite shirt and went downstairs to ate breakfast.

Mom dropped me off 3 minutes early. When I got to my locker I recieved a fan mail. I read it with my eyes wide opened.

"Dear Nikki,
I am a huge fan of yours! Can you meet me in my locker 324? I need your autograph! You can see me after lunch!
-Brittany- "

I cannot believe it! Brittany the cheerleader wants an autograph of me!

I was squeled so excitedly.

Then Mackenzie just came out of nowhere. She opened her locker and grabbed her leather bag.

"Hi Nikki! Long time no see? Well I'm excited to hear your trashed song!"

"Your just jealous!" But I just said that in my head but no one else heard it but me.

Then she sashayed away. I hated it when she sashays.

At frist period, My seatmate Frank ask me for an autograph. Also my teacher and other CCPs.

Then in Bio, Mackenzie and Jessica keep staring at me all evil-like. Mackenzie was about to say a word when Brandon came in.
"Hi Nikki! How's first day?" Brandon asked.

"Fine! I recieved a note from Brittany. She needs an autograph of me. Then other teachers ask me to have a picture and an autograph."

"Same thing!"

"Hi Brandon! Your so cute today! Are you inlove or something?" Mackenzie asked.
Brandon blushed and everyone in the room keep staring at us.

"I knew it! He's inlove with --" after she could finish her sentence, Brandon stand up.


"What?" Mackenzie and Jessica gushed.

Everyone keep awwing at us.

It was so romantic! No wonder he was so cute.

After Bio. I went to the gym to tell Chloe and Zoey what happend.
When I arrived at gym, Chloe and Zoey had taked into the clinic to check their elbows and legs. They fell down and broke their elbows and legs.

Gym was canceled because the whole afternoon kept raining heavily. Everyone was send home. Before everyone went home. Our song called Dorks Rule played.

All the students keep playing along and dance. Mackenzie's little group was really jealous.

I gave Brittany a autograph before I leaved.

Brandon went to fuzzy friends quick. He told that One of the dogs caught a flu because of the rainy weather.

When I got home, Briann and Oliver were playing hide and seek. Oliver asked me if I could play with them. I have to admit it. They were great hiders and finders. What a day! :)

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