Chapter 3 (Babbysitting)

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All the schools including WCD got canceled because of the heavy rain. The driveway seems to be wet. Mrs. Wallabanger got sick.

Mom ask me if I could take her homemade Corn soup to Mrs. Wallabanger. I take my raincoat also my umbrella and boots.

Mrs. Wallabnger really is sick. She caught a flu and stomach cramps.

"Hello Nikki!" Oliver said.

"Hi Oliver! My Mom made some corn soup for Mrs. Wallabanger."

"Come in!" Oliver grab my hand and take me to Mrs. Wallabanger. "That's her room. I'm not going in there. I might catch a flu. Mr. Buttons will never play with me again."

I entered the room with a smile on my face.

"Hi Mrs. Wallbanger. Mom made you some corn soup."

"Thanks dear. Can you take care of Oliver untill the end of the day?"


"Thanks tell your mom Thanks."

Then I went out of the room. Taking Oliver into the house will be more fantastic. Because Brianna will be blushing all the time.

I take Oliver home and called Brianna down.

"Hi Oliver!" Miss Penelope said.

"Hi Miss Penelope!" Mr. Buttons said.

"Nikki!" Mom called. "I heard there was a big surprise at the Kandy Kingdom. Can you take them to the mall? Mrs. Wallabanger said that you can take Oliver with you."

I was like, "Yeah! But you have to pay me first!" But I just said that in my head so no one else heard it but me.

There was a big surprise in Kandy Kingdom. I just sit on the bench and watch Brianna and Oliver. It was King Kandy's birthday.

Brianna and Oliver played at the royal dungeon and at the slide. I heard a clak clak clak of a $500 gutchi. It was Mackenzie! With her Litte sister Amanda and her BFF Jessica.

"OMG! Nikki what are you doing here?" Mackenzie gave me a dirty look.

"It's none of your beeswax!"

Then Amanda camt to join Brianna and Oliver playing. But it seem that they were arguing.

"Your hand is full of make up! And you stupid puppet is way more awesome than my Princess Sugar Plum Doll!" Amanda humbled.

All of the sudden Oliver cried and slap Amanda's face. "Your doll is supposed to be in the dump you meanie!"

Then Amanda pulled Mr, Buttons from Oliver's hand and ripped off. She stole Brianna's hand and erased Miss Penelope.

Brianna and Oliver cried. The Oliver got a nerve to get Amanda's doll and throw it to the pool of balls.

Amanda cried. Mackenzie and Jessica jumped at the pool to find the doll. While their searching, I capture a picture of them playing at Kandy Kingdom.

I send it to Chloe, Zoey, Brandon, Theo, Marcus, Jordyn, Marcy, Lauren, and Brittany.

I know its really mean but I just wanted tk have revenge.

I taked Oliver and Brianna home. Instead of playing with their toys and talking to each other, they watch Spongebob. They were upset. When they fell asleep at the couch. I'd fix Mr Buttons. Also I drawn Miss Penelope on Brianna hand. I put Mr. Buttons at Oliver's hand. The I put a note at Olilver's pocket. I carried him on my back and take him back to Mrs, Wallabanger.

I take Brianna to her room and tuck her to bed. I got a meatloaf for dinner and watch Sam and Cat. They are more like Chloe and Zoey. It seems to me that this day was the best babysitting day ever!

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