Chapter 8

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Happy birthday Cate. We all hope you had a extraordinary day. We love you <333
Chapter 8:

"""It is still early in the day. Not even the sun has awakened from its dream and not even the nightingale has begun to sing. Yet the waves of the sea were alive and did not stop raging. As if it was war. A war of waves without help and without the wind as a weapon or even a ship. It was still almost dark. The usual morning dew already kissed the individual leaves of each plant. Only the sounds of the war of the waves, only a few insects performed only sounds and tones at this hour. Each person seemed to be in a dream and disappeared in a parallel world of his own being.

The night and the morning never rested. But one human child seemed to have awakened from her world and decided to go to the sea. Without any real motive, just to listen to the sound of the waves.

Leaving her shoes in her home so she could explore the sea with all her senses, feeling the sand under her toes and how so often and all alone. Because no one will miss her.

Hours, minutes and seconds pass while she just walked through the wet sand. Without ever looking back.

In front of her immensely set in the sand, is a small mountain. All in white and slightly shaded black as if she were on the coast of France.

"How can this be?" she asked herself quietly. For she has walked this path many times, but never has there been a mountain here.
Curious as Daisy was, she stepped closer to the mysterious mountain.

The structure of the mountain is also different from others. The mountain is soft like cotton candy and as sticky as caramel. She quickly pulled her hand away, but a brown liquid, which seems to come from the mountain, ran down her wrist. Her face contorted in disgust as she tried to gently wipe off the sticky liquid with her cloth handkerchief. She had never experienced anything like this in her entire short life. Something about this mountain wants to pull her closer, deep inside. Which perhaps hides one or two secrets from everyone's eyes. But nothing lasts forever. As curious as the girl is she groped for a striking stone. It was not like the others, it was completely purple. Nimbly, she pressed firmly on the rock formation with both hands. A loud rattling and clattering sounded loudly from inside the mountain. As if a drawbridge was slowly opening, a small part of the mountain opened up. It didn't look like parts had broken out of the mountain, but as if there had been a small door there since the beginning of time. Which seems to be hidden from the whole world and only waiting to be entered by a young woman named Daisy.

She stepped inside. It looked like any normal cave. But why put a secret mechanism in a mountain if there is nothing special in it. Inside the cave it was quiet as a mouse. Not even the cry of a bird sounded in their ears. It was altogether as if no sound existed in this place.
The temperature of the cavity was close to the freezing point. Slight goose bumps formed on Daisy's delicate skin, as she wore nothing but her white nightgown of pure silk. Her teeth chattering, she kept stroking the skin of her upper arms quickly to establish some warmth. But she did not go out of this strange cave despite the icy cold. She had never experienced anything like it in her whole life.

Long thick pink icicles hung from the ceiling of the cave. One only needed to take one wrong step and these icicles would have impaled the girl's body with iron. Fearful and freezing, she continued to explore inside. With each step she felt every single stone under her feet no matter how sharp and pointed. She missed the warmth, the cool water, and most of all, her shoes. The cave passage seemed to never end. Each branching contained only two or one more. More and more the red-haired beauty got lost and disappeared in the seemingly endless web of passages. Not knowing where to go, she just followed her feeling in the complete darkness. Not a single light illuminated the gloomy environment around Daisy and no candle gave her even the smallest spark of warmth or even the slightest hint of security. Any sense of time was lost as well as the hope of getting out of the mountain again. How was it possible that such a network of so many different passages existed in this mountain? At first glance, it was not even 5 meters high and wide.

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