Chapter 9

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The first rays of sunlight fell through the window on the pale alabaster skin of the girl. She felt something wrapping tightly around her waist and resting against her back. She tries to keep her agitated breathing as calm as possible, both to avoid waking the other person and to create the illusion that she herself is still sleeping and resting in peace. Carefully, she tries to turn around in the tight embrace to look at the figure next to her. Her movement stops for a brief moment as she hears a small sweet soft feminine snore sounding in the crook of her neck.

She has no idea how she got here and into this bed, which is clearly not her own. Daisy says nothing as she feels the cozy warmth of the bed and the person behind her. At that moment, she didn't care how it got that way.

A few minute have passed and Daisy is lying in the same position as before. Only now she notices that there is a red curl spread on her neck.

It is not one of her stepsisters, nor is it Ella herself. These would probably never have considered lying down with her and would also not snuggle up to her so intimately.

"Good morning my darling. Are you feeling better darling?", a familiar female voice asked while Daisy was still slightly woozy from sleep.

After a few seconds she remembers who the strange woman behind her is.

She bends over the young Daisy until their faces are only a few centimeters apart. A couple of fingers stroke the girl's smooth skin while the other reaches into the pillow on which Daisy's head is placed.

It is Lady Tremaine, her stepmother and the woman who has something about her as if the two had known each other for some time but were immediately separated by fate supposedly forever. Two opposite magnetic poles that attract each other.

Shyly, Daisy nods to her stepmother as they both lose themselves in each other's eyes. Daisy's thoughts are blank, only one is permanently in her mind. The thought of the red-haired beauty before her eyes.

"Morning Cate.", she greets her smiling dreamily while their faces are getting closer and closer.

A soft smile spreads across the delicate features of her face, which Daisy immediately returned.

Catherine's nose glides slightly hesitantly over the skin of Daisy's face. First over that of the chin while she moves higher and higher over the girl's lips up to Daisy's nose. Arriving at her destination, she lightly nudges it.

Daisy's breathing is as if stopped and unable to take in new oxygen in her lungs as if Catherine were the essence she needed to breathe. Her head moves back as she struggles to suppress the moan that lurks deep inside her. At the same time she notices how she spreads between her legs, a moisture never before present.
Without realizing it, Daisy spreads her legs for her redheaded stepmother. Forbidden as it is, both the room and their tension between each other electrifies and heats up.
Catherine watches her stepchild's every move and reaction. She gives her a smug grin and runs her nose over the crook of Daisy's neck to the length of her neck. As if by magic, the older woman moves one of her knees between her favorite's legs. She can feel the wet fluid oozing slightly from her stepchild's cleft. Her hands, meanwhile, stroke the small bulge of Daisy's breasts through the almost sheer fabric of the girl's nightgown and across her narrow waist.

Both are getting more and more lost in the tension, passion and lust between each other. All nerves are running at full speed while the ability to think completely disappears. It should not be, this mutual desire between mother and her own child.

Without Daisy being able to prevent it, a symphony of soft moans escapes without her consent. Likewise, in all the already past time of the morning, a light film of sweat forms on both Lady Tremaine's and Daisy's light alabaster skin.

They have never kissed before, and somehow neither seems to really dare. For in them, too, rest deep fears of all that might happen in the future and of all the dangers that are yet to come.

But they don't waste a single thought on that at this moment.

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