1) Zourab Constantinovitch Tsereteli...
a) a sculptor and an architect /
b) a sculptor and a painter
c) an architect and a builder2) How tall was the statue of Peter the Great?
a) 94 meters /
b) 110 meters
c) 30 meters3) What is the other name of To the struggle against terrorism
a) Tears of Guilt
b) Tears and Grief
c) Tears of Grief /4) The Statue is exposed in...
a) New York
b) New Jersey /
c) Alabama5) 11'09"01 is composed of...
a) One episode
b) Eleven episodes /
c) Nine episodes6) The name of the movie is a reference to...
a) The date of the incident /
b) The duration of each episode
c) The date the movie started getting produced7) We all fall down is about...
a) A firefighter helping after the towers got attacked
b) A teenage boy and his father fleeing a tower after the attack /
c) What happened exactly during the day of the attack8) The sequel of the book is called...
a) Standing in unison
b) We'll always stand
c) United we stand /9) Complete the name of the song: Where were you...
a) When the world was dying
b) When the world stopped turning /
c) When the world stopped living10) Who wrote the song?
a) Alan Jackson /
b) Alan Joel
c) Alan Jacker