Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10.

The night before Stef's surgery, she sat alone in her room, packing for her hospital stay. She had made a checklist, and went through it, tucking socks, loose pajamas, a book, and other necessities in her duffel bag. Once she was satisfied that she was well-prepared, she slid her bag under the bed, like she'd done when she was pregnant with Brandon, expecting to go into labor any day. Except, this time, it wasn't a happy occasion; she was scared, more so than she was willing to admit under the guise of being strong for her family. She'd taken to heart her mother's advice, to fight for them.

She expected to be up all night worrying, but almost as soon as Lena crawled under the covers next to her, and the light went out, she fell asleep.

"Mom?" Mariana loudly whispered. "Are you awake?"

"I am now," Stef groaned, opening her eyes. She turned to look at her alarm clock. It was one o'clock in the morning. Lena stirred beside her, awaking from her sleep as well. "What are you girls doing up?"

"We can't sleep," Mariana told her, indicating to herself and Callie, who stood behind her. "We can hear Grandma snoring all the way from the next room. Can we sleep with you?"

"Sure, sure. Get in," Stef nodded. She suspected it was fear and anxiety about what the next morning held that was bothering the girls; they hadn't complained about Sharon's snoring the night before.

Mariana and Callie climbed into bed between then, Mariana quickly settling in the crook of Lena's arm. Callie curled up next to Stef, stroking the bridge of her nose. She pretended not to notice when her daughter discreetly slipped her thumb in her mouth. Their daughters safe between them, Stef and Lena slowly began to fall back asleep.

It didn't last; they were soon roused from their sleep again by Jesus's voice. "Jude had a nightmare," he whispered. Both boys were holding their pillows and blankets. "Is it okay if we sleep in here tonight?"

"Yes," said Stef. She sighed, suppressing a smile, despite her annoyance of being woken up; having her babies near was already doing much to calm her nerves, and if they needed to be by her, she wouldn't stop them. "You might as well go get Brandon, too," she told them.

"I'll get him" Jude volunteered. He hurried out of the room, and minutes later, returned with his older brother. The boys all settled themselves on the floor, arranging their bedding.

"Everyone okay now?" Lena asked.

"Yeah," five voices replied.

"Then go to sleep."

The next morning, the family arrived at the hospital bright and early; the children were missing a day of school to be there, which, under different circumstances, would have been a treat for them, but on that day, Stef had the feeling the would have rather been in school. They sat down together in a private waiting room, Stef growing more anxious with each passing minute. She was nervously jiggling her knee when Lena grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart," she promised. "It will be over before you know it."

Sharon wrapped her arm around her and pulled her to her side. Stef leaned into her, soaking up the comfort of her mother's touch.

Her surgery time arrived quickly, and she nearly jumped out of her skin when a nurse came through a door with a wheelchair and called her name. She stood up, her knees weak. "Yes."

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