Dance Invites

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Marcy looks at herself in her bedroom mirror. She sighs and recites to herself, "Ok Marcy, all you have to do is show them both the sign, hopefully they have good reactions, and it will just be like Cleo, Eowyn, and Tara from Vagabondia Chronicles!"

Marcy smirks with confidence. She looks away from her mirror and grabs her sage green backpack. She opens her bedroom door and heads downstairs. As she goes to reach the last step, she underestimated the number of stairs and fell forward, hitting the ground. Her step-mom hears a loud thud. "Marcy, are you okay?"

"Yes Stephanie! Just missed a step." Marcy responded, feeling slightly dizzy. She gets up and picks up her backpack. "You need to watch your step young missy." Stephanie said in a snarky tone. " I know Stephanie." Marcy agrees sarcastically and walks towards the door.

"Oh and Marcy," Stephanie started. "yes?" Marcy asks. " Be a good kid." Marcy rolls her eyes and shuts the door behind her. She sighs and recollects her thoughts. 'Im not gonna let anything ruin my day today!' She smiles and starts walking towards Saint James Middle School. But Before Marcy could even get a step forward, she tripped on the rock she kicked the previous day. She gets up with a dorky smile on her face and continues her walk.

Once there she looked up at the school she's been going to for the past two years. "Hey mar-mar!" Sasha said behind marcy. She turns around to see Sasha holding her phone in front of marcy's face. It showed the text message marcy sent the group chat with her, Sasha and Anne. Marcy's heart fluttered with nervousness as she read what she sent the group chat. "Got your text too, I'll go get Anne while you set it up." Sasha smiles and walked away to go round up Anne. Marcy stutters an 'ok!' and speed walks to room 109.

The message marcy had sent the group chat was, "Hey could you two meet me in room 109 before the bell?". Both Anne and Sasha agreed so marcy now has to quickly set up her dance invite for Anne and Sasha.

Marcy slowly but surely put the sign up. She takes it out of the closet, places it on the table and recited what she was going to say when they walked in. She sat there admiring her sign with the sentence, "Will you go to the dance with me?" In big red letters. She stared at it till two seniors burst into the room. It was Terrance and Katey. Terrance played football and baseball so he was really fit. Plus his dark brown hair and baby blue eyes made him attractive to all the straight girls in the school. And Katey was your basic but beautiful blonde. She had pretty blue eyes as well. They both burst into the room in a very intense way. Katey had her arm around terrance's neck and terrance had his hands on her hips.

Marcy stared in disbelief at what was unfolding right in front of her eyes. Terrance placed her on the blank brown desk and tried to kiss Katey before she stopped him. "Uhmm.. Is this room like, occupied?" Katey asked annoyed. "Uh- uhm- Ye-Yes it is!" marcy states trying to sound confident but fails miserably.

Terrance looked over and read the sign marcy had made before she could jump in front of it. He chuckled. "Who are you inviting to the dance?" Terrance says in a belittling manner. Marcy blushes and defends herself. "thats none of your business terrance." Marcy blurted.

"Pfft, who would want to go to the dance with you?" Katey says rubbing more salt into marcy's now opening wound of insecurity. Marcy rubs her arm and looks down to the floor. "Well you don't know maybe they'll say yes.." Marcy replied still trying to stand her ground. Katey and Terrance both looked at each other, than at marcy, then back at each other. They started laughing histarically.

"What? Are they Non-Binary??" The two kept laughing. Marcy used this opportunity not to expose herself and uses that as a cover up. "Uh- Yeah! They are so can you get! They should be here any moment!" Marcy rushed. Katey looked at Terrance and rolled her eyes. "Yeah this is boring now.. Cya later babe." Katey got up and walked out of the class. Terrance glares at marcy before speaking. "Ugh, now I've lost my chance thanks a lot." He walks out while marcy stuck her tongue out at him.

Just before the two seniors walked out of the classroom Anne and Sasha were listening to marcy's conversation with the two. Before bursting in, they looked at each other in disbelief.

"You have a crush??" They yell simultaneously making marcy jump in surprise. "Uh- Uh- What!?" Marcy replies in shock. "We heard some of the conversation you had with the seniors-" They tried explaining before marcy but in-"YOU WHAT?-" Marcy yelled but Anne and Sasha continued," And you like a non-binary person?? Who is it???" Anne and Sasha stare at marcy with anticipation waiting for a response. Marcy panicked for a minute but then took a breath and grabbed their hands.

"That was actually a cover up not to embarrass myself.." Anne and Sasha's smiles faded to confusion. "What do you mean a cover up?" Anne questioned. Sasha nodded in agreement. "I like two people.. thats why I said, 'They'll'.." Anne stayed confused while Sasha's face lit up. "Your polyamorous??" Sasha yells at marcy. Marcy giggled and nodded. Anne finally clicked and ran up to marcy. "Why didnt you tell us??" Anne questions marcy.

Marcy gulps and grabs anne and sasha's hand. "Would you two like to go to the dance with me?" Marcy winces at her own cringe-y way of asking them out. but then feels her hands being squeezed a little. She looked up to see sasha and anne giving marcy sympathetic looks.

Anne and Sasha both look at eachother and nodded. They turn back to marcy and say "We would love to."

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