Together Again

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Anne, Sasha, and Marcy share a hug in the frog exhibit. The three let go and walk out the entrance. Anne stops for a moment and turns back, looking at the pink frog she named Sprig. She smiled and turned back to her friends.

Sasha and Marcy walked through the aquarium, hand in hand. Anne noticed this but didn't want to say anything. The trio walk together, talking about what they've all been up to.

"Well, back in Taiwan I created a webcomic that's been doing REALLY well! I have over 157K views in total!" Marcy says with a sparkle in her eye. Sasha laughs at Marcy's dorky obsession with drawing.

"I've mostly just stayed in LA, I became a developmental psychologist. I love talking to all the kids and being able to help them. Kind of wish I had that when I was 13.." Sasha says with her head slightly down. Marcy sees Sasha's expression and squeezes her hand tighter.

Again, Anne sees this and starts to get suspicious. "Well ever since you moved Mar-Mar, I've been certain to become a aquarist. When I. turned 19, I got the courage to apply here and I was accepted! I've been working on College on the side, trying to my degree in Marine Biology. I'm just an intern at the moment but my co-workers say I have some really big potential on being something more here!" Anne smiles at her friends.

"That's great Anna-Banana!" Marcy shouts, giving Anne a hug. "Yeah, I'm proud of you Anne." Sasha says with a smile.

The three walk through the automatic door and out into the aquarium parking lot. Sasha pulls out her keys and clicks a button. Her car beeps two times and unlocks. Sasha and Anne catch a glimpse of each other and find both of them staring into one another eyes. They were both cut-off by a tiny Marcy yelling, "I CALL SHOTGUN!" While bursting through them.   Sasha and Anne laugh while chasing Marcy. "Marcy get back here you adorable bean!" Sasha yelled with a slight blush on her face. Anne looked at Sasha with confusion. 'Adorable? Bean..?'  Anne lost herself in thoughts. Before she knew it, she ran into the car door with a great "Oof!"

She looks up to see Marcy hop over the. car door, without opening it, and gets inside Sasha's convertible. Sasha run around the front and opens the driver's car door, getting in beside Marcy. Anne slowly gets up while the pain in her front quickly comes rushing to her. She tries hiding it, not wanting to worry the others. She opens the. car door and sits down.

"You okay Anne? That was a pretty good hit-" Sasha says with concern. "Yeah I'm fine Sash!" Anne lies with a forced smile. Sasha nods and turns her car keys away from here, turning on her car. She puts it in a reverse and backs up. The three made their way to 'The Grove', a nearby shopping mall.

As the trio drive across a highway, Marcy looks over at the Los Angeles she left 10 years ago. She realized how much she missed it and was glad to be back. "I missed this.." She says, staring out at the side of the car. "Well, I'm glad you're staying Mars." Sasha says with a smile, waiting for Anne reaction. She hears a little gasp come from the backseat. "You're staying Mar-Mar?!" Anne ask excitedly. Marcy turns back at Anne and nods. Anne leans forwards and tries to hug Marcy but, fails miserably.

Sasha reaches the end of the highway and takes a sharp right. This takes Marcy and Anne by surprise and they both hit the side of the car. "Agh! Sorry guys, show have warned you." Sasha says with a wince. "It's alright Sash, we're fine." States Marcy.

With a couple more turns, they arrive at The Grove. The three all looked at it with amaze. It has  many different buildings, all looking old and unique. Before Sasha could even stop the car and park, Marcy opens her car door and hops out. Sasha slams on the brakes, looking around for Marcy. In the corner of her eye sees she the now long raven haired girl running towards the mall. Anne gets out as well, trying to catch up to Marcy.

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