The family picnic

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It's been a couple hours since you and Kara told Luther and Alice about your relationship and since you asked Alice if she would like you to adopt her and she happily accepted your request. You all have been having a tea party for 30 minutes and then you chilled for a bit. And then Alice had an idea.

Alice: "Hey Kara?"

Kara: "Yes, Alice?"

Alice: "Since (your name) is now part of the family, I was thinking we all could have a family picnic by the park?"

Kara: "That sounds like a great idea! What do you think, (your name)?" *she looks at you with a smile as she asks that question*

(Your name): *you think about it for a moment and then you finally say this* "Yes, I would love to. That does sound like a great idea." *you smile*

Kara: "What about you, Luther?" *she looks at Luther*

Luther: "I would like to." *he smiles as he nods his head*

Kara: "Then let's have a picnic together." *she smiles at you and Luther and then she smiles at Alice as she approves Alice's idea*

Alice: *she smiles widely* "Yay!" *she jumps up and down with excitement*

(Your name): *you chuckle as you see Alice excited with a smile on your face*

Kara: *she smiles at Alice as well and then looks at you* "Would you like to help me prepare the snacks?"

(Your name): "Sure, babe." *you smile*

Kara: "Okay." *she smiles at you and then she says this to Alice* "Alice, you and Luther can choose a picnic blanket and you can bring a toy if you'd like." 

Alice: "Alright, Kara." *she has an exciting smile on her face, she takes Luther's hand and they go to find a blanket for the picnic* 

(Your name): *you look at Kara after Luther and Alice has left* "What food could we make for the picnic?"

Kara: *she thinks for a moment* "We could make some mini sandwiches, homemade thirium cookies and we could pack some thirium fruit and thirium for the drinks."

(Your name): "Sounds good to me." *you smile* 

Kara: "Okay, honey." *she brushes some of your hair out of your face and kisses your cheek* 

(Your name): *you blush as Kara kisses your cheek and you smile at her* "I love you, baby."

Kara: "I love you too." *she smiles lovingly at you*

(Your name): "So, do you want to make the sandwiches and I can make the cookies?"

Kara: "That sounds good to me." 

(Your name): "Alright." *you smile*

Kara: "If you need help or anything, let me know, okay?"

(Your name): "I will. You let me know if you need anything as well." *you wink*

Kara: *she smiles and giggles as you wink* "Will do." 

(Your name): *you smile as Kara says that, you go to the other side of the kitchen while Kara is making the mini sandwiches at one side, you grab a bowl and the rest of the baking supplies and the cookie ingredients, after you add all the ingredients, you added thirium and you started mixing everything together with a whisk* 

Kara: *a few minutes later, she is done making the mini sandwiches, she walks towards you and she wraps her arms around your waist while she's behind you and while you were mixing the cookie ingredients together and rests her head on your shoulder* 

You're my world (Kara x female reader, love/LGBT+ story) - Detroit: Become HumanWhere stories live. Discover now