Assignment #2 - fourteenth Birthday

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Finally. the time was up.

Fourteen years. Fourteen years Jedediah had been waiting for the twins to turn fourteen. He couldn't wait any longer, he was infuriated. As those fourteen years went past he watched the world adapt, or in Jedediah's eye's 'reverse'. The world in his perspective became more vile, intoxicated, a disgrace. He vowed. Vowed that he will make a change, he will do what God did not want to do, the right thing. Banish their sick souls to hell.

The twins lived two completely different lives. The girl was spoilt. She had everything a girl could wan't and more. She was showered with praise and love, she had it all. The boy on the

other hand, well he had

The boy lived on a run-down farm in rural town in the middle of nowhere. Both his adopted parents had vanished. After the farm wen't bankrupt his parents became alienated. It was a devastating feeling for the boy because it wasn't too long ago when his parents were tickled pink farmers, living a simple life on a farm. That came to an end, very quickly.

A few months after they went backrupt his parents took a piece of rope with them and walked out the door. Not saying a word to the boy. The boy still hopes that his parents will come back, but in his heart he knows they wont.

Today he celebrates his birthday, alone. He sits in a corner as like everyday. Hope, confusion and hunger

is all he ever feels now. Until he hears a loud knock on his old, worn out door.

Could it be? His parents have come back? No, it can't be. It's been almost a year since they vanished. It could be anyone at the door. However, the little shred of hope that the boy still has

makes him think it could be them. So the boy runs. He runs as fast as he can to the door. As he starts to pull open the door he can just see them in the distance, he can just taste the feeling of happiness that he thought he'd never feel again.

He run's to them, but they keep moving farther away. Maybe they were leading him out of this hell he was living. He could feel something big about happen. He run's and run's until there is no more.

He isn't running anymore. He's holding on. "How did this happen?" the boy thinks. Confusion and hunger find a way to come back into him, now that happiness and hope have left. He's holding on to the edge of the cliff. He doesn't have much strength but it's enough to keep him from falling to his death. He tries to bring himself up, he need's to bring himself up. His parents are waiting for him. But where did his parents go?

He looks back and forth, left and right but he cannot see them. They're probably looking for him now, hopefully. A dark figure walks to him.

"Hey! Hey! I'm over here! Help me up! " The boy shrieks. The dark figure walks to the edge of the cliff and step's on the boys hand's making him lose his grip. The boy let's go of the cliff.

"Have a safe trip, my servant" The dark figure calls out.

The boy falls, but he does not fall to his death. He falls into a room full of darkness. He see's nothing, He feel's nothing, he is nothing. The first phase of Jedediah's plan is almost complete.

Meanwhile, the girl is getting dressed for her luxurious, fourteenth birthday. As her family and friends are down stairs "preparing for her special night she's in her room putting on her new diamond, encrusted dress, one of the many presents her parents have bought her.

Suddenly, everything goes cold. A Breeze fills the room and the windows snap shut. Confusion fills the girl's mind for the very first time.

"What's going on!?" The girl baffled, But no one responds to her cry. She desperately tries to open the door to her room even though she knows it won't open. A dark figure appears.

"I'm sorry to inform you that your time on earth has come to end" The dark figure warned.

"why? Who are you?" The girl complained.

"Don't worry. This is all apart of my plan, and you my servant are going to help me fulfill it. You mustn't be confused, your mother has signed a contract that states that you and your brother are my servants once you've turned fourteen. Oh, and as for my identity... well you will find out in due time".

There is so many things that the girl want's to ask but before she can open her mouth the window's fly open. The dark figure pushes her out the window and she falls into the darkness.

Now Jedediah has taken their lives away, it's time to start his holy plan. The twin's don't know what's in store for them but it's certain that there lives will change forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2013 ⏰

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