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"Are you two still alive in there?" The voice called again and Rick quickly ran over to the radio and tried to talk to the man on the other side

"Hello? Hello?" Rick said quickly, his finger holding down the button on the side of the walkie talkie so that whoever was talking to them could hear him

A sigh of relief came from the other line, "oh finally. You had me wondering," the man said

"Where are you? Outside?" Rick asked back quickly, freaking out due to the situation that they were currently in, "can you see us right now?"

"Yeah I can see you. You're surrounded by walkers, that is the bad news." The man quickly says

"There's good news?" Rick asked hopefully


Artemis couldn't help it as a snort of amusement came out of her mouth. Rick turned to give her a look to which she just shrugged her shoulders, she easily found things funny, it wasn't her fault

"Listen, whoever you are... I don't mind telling you. I am a little concerned in here," Rick snapped, trying not to let his anger get the best of him and trying to get the man to help the two of them out so that they wouldn't be trapped in there and either get ripped apart by walkers or die from no water or food

"Oh man, you should see it from over here. You would be having a major freak out," the man told Rick, clearly staring down at the tank that they were currently trapped in

"You got any advice for us?" Rick asked, slowly beginning to lose his patience with the person on the other line

"Yeah, I'd say make a run for it," the man replied and Artemis felt her eyes widen

"Is he serious?" She scolded and crawled over to Rick, taking the walkie-talkie from him and then talking into it

"You cant be serious right? That's it? Make a run for it?" She asked the boy is disbelief

"My way might not be as stupid as it sounds... You've got eyes on the outside here. There is one geek still up on the tank but the others have climbed down and joined the feeding frenzy where the two horses went down..." the man tried to explain it to them and the two people in the tank were thinking of a plan on how they could get out of there fast enough without dying, "are you two with me so far?"

Artemis looked at Rick who nodded his head, "so far," Artemis replied into the walkie-talkie and nodded her head even though he couldn't actually see her

"Okay, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you two move now why they are distracted, you stand a chance. You got ammo?" He asked them and Artemis passed the walkie-talkie back over to rick who held it up to his face again.

"In that duffel bag that I dropped out there, and guns," Rick replied guessing that whoever was helping them could see the three bags that they had left outside of the tank while trying to get away from the walkers, "Can I get to it?"

"Forget the bags okay? They aren't an option," he explained, "what do you have on you?"

"Hang on," Rick said and then grabbed his gun and the gun he had taken off the soldier before counting all of the bullets that he could find, he looked over near the soldier and began to check his pockets for ammo but couldn't find any. Suddenly, a grenade on the shelf next to the dead shoulder caught his eye and he quickly grabbed it, putting it into his pocket and then crawled back over to the walkie-talkie

"I have got two beretta's with one clip. 15 rounds," Rick told the guy

"Make them count," the guy replied, "jump off the right side of the tank, keep going in that direction. There is an alley up the street, maybe 50 yards. Be there," he said and Artemis let out a sigh of relief, whoever this guy was, she was sure that he was about to save their lives

"Hey, what is your name?" Rick asked the man who was helping them

"Have you even been listening to me?" The man asked in annoyance, "you're running out of time."

Rick dropped the walkie talkie and went to hand a gun over to the girl but she quickly shook her head, "no thanks." She told him quickly and firmly but he tried to give it to her again

"C'mon, you're gonna need it," Rick urged her

"I'm not touching that thing," she stated firmly, "c'mon, we don't have time to argue, lets go." Rick let out a huff of annoyance but gave up on trying to give it to her. They rushed over to the ladder and Rick went up first, pushing open the hatch and sticking his head out. He looked around for the one walker that was supposed to still be on the tank, he spotted it instantly and smashed it on the head with a shovel he had found in the tank. He pulled himself out of the tank and then Artemis quickly pulled herself out of the hatch too.

They jumped off the right side of the tank, just like they had been instructed to do and then they began to run down the street that was less crowded than the surrounding ones. Rick shot the walkers that got too close while Artemis quickly cut their heads off with her blade, the two of them running as fast as they could while keeping an eye out for the alley that the man had told them about.

Suddenly, someone came out from behind a wall, Rick quickly went to shoot it but the person raised their hands in defence, "woah, not dead!" He cried out and they recognised his voice instantly and went to follow him as he lead them through the alley way, "come on! Come on! Back here!"

Rick kept turning around to shoot the walkers that were rolling after them, "come on, come on!" The man that had saved them called out to them quickly, wanting to get the hell out of there before he turned into lunch meat for the walkers. The man led them to a bright yellow ladder which he and Artemis quickly began to climb but Rick just stood at the bottom of the ladder in shock as he looked at the walkers closing in on them

"Come on Grimes, get your ass up here before the skin eaters bloody get you, you idiot!" Artemis called out to Rick as she stopped climbing and looked down at him. He finally broke out of his trance and turned around to face the ladder and began to climb it. Artemis resumed her climb, following after the boy with the red and orange hat while Rick followed after her. They climbed the ladder fast hoping not to make a mistake and then end up falling to their death, the adrenaline in their veins seemed to help them significantly.

They finally stopped climbing when they made it to the first balcony, all three of them piling on there and then looking over the edge and down at the walkers, some of which were beginning to climb the ladder before falling back down and trying again.

"Nice moves there Clint Eastwood, you the new sheriff, come riding in to clean up the town?" The man that they realised now to be practically just a boy, said in amusement and exhaustion

"It wasn't my intention," Rick replied, slightly out of breath... he had just gotten out of a coma and now he was running around every five minutes

"Yeah, whatever, Yeehaw. Youre still a dumbass." The boy said before tuning around and then looking at the girl, "and what about you? You some ninja or something? Where did you learn to use a sword like that?"

The girls cheeks went slightly red as she looked over at the boy... she used to get made fun of for being such a geek but it saved her life in the apocalypse, "well I love Star Wars and I had all these lightsabers that I used to play with all the time, learnt all the moves and tricks, used to have lightsaber battles with my older brother all the time... when the apocalypse happened, I found this katana... figured it wouldn't be too different from a lightsaber so I kept it and here I am," the girl said and Glenn already knew that he and this girl were going to get along very well.

Artemis watched his eyes light up and his face brighten and figured that he was a fellow geek, "I'm Artemis, Artemis Black," the girl said and nodded her head over at Glenn who smiled back at her.

"And I'm Rick. Thanks," Rick said, thanking him for saving their lives and he stuck his hand out for Glenn to shake. Glenn stared at the deputy's hand for a few short moments before shaking it

"Glenn. And you're welcome."

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