When The Cicada Calls

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At Destroido Corp.

An Employee was leaving work and heading to his car when he got a Phone Call.

"On my way home now, Darling," The Employee warned.

"You did not heed my warning," The Demonic Voice mentioned.

"Honey, What's wrong with your voice? It's so deep, wait a minute,Is this that Nut again?" the Employee wondered before recognizing the call.

"I told you if you did not quit your job at Destroido, and leave forever, something terrible would happen to you," The Voice reminded.

"And I told you, I don't appreciate Prank Calls, My Sister-In-Laws is a Paralegal and if this keeps up,I'm sueing you, Go Suck a Lemon!" The Employee lashed out angrily.

As he hung up and headed into his car.

"Oh Boy! The nerve of some people," The Employee complained.

As he drove away from the Company and headed home.

He stopped at a Street Light where a Cicada landed on his Windshield.

As he looked at his Windshield.

"Ew! One of those Cicada thingies, I hate those bugs,blech," The Employee whispered.

As he used his Windshield Wipers to move it.

The Light turned Green and he continued driving.

That was when, two more came, soon enough they started getting inside.

More and more came, covering the Car and getting on him.

"What's going on,hey,go away,come on,shoo,stop,oh,stop," The Employee yelled.

As they got in his mouth and he muffly screamed.

The Car ended up going over the Road with the Man inside.

The Cicadas left the Car and formed into a Cicada Creature.

"I warned you," The Cicada Creature announced as it had them finish him.

The Next Day at School, Dr. Yantz was doing his Class about the Cicada. 

"The Cicada, the most perfect Insect, in a decidedly imperfect World," Dr. Yantz explained as he kissed it and put it back on it's Branch.

Louis and Scooby looked at each other and made a disgusted face, disgusted that he kissed it.

As all the girls watched falling for him, even Daphne.

"Did he just kiss a bug?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, Isn't he just the best?" Daphne responded.

Fred was not impressed as a matter of fact, he was jealous.

"The Cicada's Life Cycle is fascinating, as Grubs, they burrow into the Ground where they spend the next 17 Years," Dr. Yantz continued.

Scooby looked behind him where Louis was.

"Want one?" Scooby wondered.

"Sure," Louis agreed as Scooby told him to give him his hand.

Louis gave him his hand.

Scooby grabbed his hands and poured some into his hand, Scooby then, closed Louis's hand and gave it back.

Scooby tapped Velma's Shoulder.

"Want one?" Scooby asked.

"Not from you I don't," Velma replied turning away from him.

"Hm, Can't we just be friends?" Scooby wondered wanting for them to be friends again.

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