Theater of Doom

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(Sorry,Everyone,I got kinda got Sick,Like Sick to the Stomach and losing Lunch and Everything,For a Couple of Days,And,Honestly,My Days have been Really really Busy,With Everything,That,I am Currently doing,I know,This Chapter has been Overdue,So,As Promised,Here is the Next Episode of My Version of Mystery Incorporated.)

Fred: Previously on Mystery Incorporated.

The Gang watched Grady Gator drive Off as They All walked,Towards the Entrance of the Hotel,To Head Inside.

Scooby followed the Rest of the Gang Inside,But,Stopped,When He noticed Letters on the Hotel Sign going Out,Quickly,Spelling Out the Dog,as He stared at It,With a Raised Eyebrow.


All of a Sudden.

Three More Letters lit Up,Spelling Out Dies,as Scooby Screamed,And,Shouted,"Shaggy!!! Louis!!!

"For What,It's Worth, I believe You," Louis whispered,Softly,To Scooby.

"Thanks," Scooby answered,With a Slight Smile.

"No Problem,What did You See?" Louis wondered,Curiously.

"It Said,The Dog dies," Scooby notified,Fearfully.

"The Curse struck,Again in 1765,When an Entire Town of Missionaries,Likewise,Disappeared. Anyway,Things were Pretty Quiet until 100 Years Later,When Conquistadors found Gold,Here, And,Renamed the Town Crystal Cove. Most People thought,That,The Curse had been Lifted,Until the Entire Darrow Family disappeared One Halloween,And,Was never Seen,Again....Moving On," Velma continued to Describe as She played a Recording of the Darrow Family Screaming,Before,Leading the Tourists Inside to the Exhibits.

"What's the problem here? Avocados," Mayor Jones wondered,Approaching Avocados,Who was covered in the Ink,That had Spilled.

"That's Avacados,And,If You want to run a Dirty Campaign,Two can play at,That Game," Avacados corrected,Briefly,Getting All Up in Mayor Jones's Face,Before,Storming off.

"George Avocados,The Person,I'm running Against,He considers Himself, A Shoe-In for the Job, Because his Father, Theodore Avocados, was Mayor,Once,Until,He was caught stealing a Priceless Diamond from Crystal Cove Bank," Mayor Jones elucidated.

"Some Journal belonging to Theodore Avocados," Daphne answered.

"Hey,Isn't,That the Bank Robber?" Louis wondered.

"Exactly,That's George's Dad, the One,Arrested for Diamond Theft,Even,Though,The Diamond was never Found," Fred agreed.

"Well,According to This,He,Really,Was the Thief,The Confession is,Right Here,In Black and White," Daphne said,Reading a Part of the Journal,And,Telling the Gang,Before,Lowering It Down.

"George Avocados?" Fred responded,In Shock,Surprised to see Him,After,What had Happened,Last Time.

"That's Avacodos,You Delinquent," Avocados corrected,Firmly,as He narrowed his Eyes at Him,And,Glared at Him,Before,Insulting Him.

"What are You doing on My Land?" Avocados questioned,Suspiciously.

"Like,Dude,This is your Land?" Shaggy wondered,In Confusion,Not getting,How,It was his Land,When Destroido had Declared It,Their's.

"My Family has farmed Avocados on This Land,For Generations,Because,You Horrid Children unmasked my Dear Father as a Diamond Thief,My Reputation has been Besmirched,Forcing Me to work My Fingers to the Bone,So,That,I can keep Myself in the Wealthy Manner,To,Which,I have become Accustomed," Avocados elucidated,In an Angry Tone,as He turned Around,While,He continued to Explain,Getting Angrier and Angrier,By the Minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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