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Quick Disclaimer: I will include some social media interactions, para mas feel ang kilig, emz. Don’t mind the time stamps. Jill × Y/N for today’s video, lol.


“Y/N, where are you?”

The moment I answered the call, Jill greeted me with the full name basis and with her irritated voice. “What’s with the full name, Jillian Therese Robredo?” I answered, smiling. “I’m already at the venue, parking lot na.”

“Finally! Ang tagal mo! Anong oras na, oh?”

I can’t help but to laugh because my mind automatically imagined how annoyed she is right now.

“Why are you laughing, ha?” She asked, she probably heard me laughing.

“Nothing,” I said, brushing off the imagination my mind has made. I looked at my watch to see anong oras na, because I know in myself I have never been late sa kahit anong event. I smiled when I saw the time.

She really is stressed.

“Bub, it’s 3 in the afternoon pa lang, the event is at 5pm pa, right?”

I heard silence, I bet she’s looking sa oras. “Omygosh, I really thought it’s already 5pm na. I’m so nervous lang, bubby I’m sorry,”

I smiled as soon as I heard how her voice automatically shifted from annoyed to soft one. “It’s alright. I’m walking now, bub. Relax and I’ll be right there in a moment, okay? I have food for you.”

“Yay! What food is that? Kind of craving nga now sa chicken sandwich ng mcdo, e.” She curiously asked.

“Chicken sandwich it is,” I said, answering her question. I heard her giggle which made me laugh.

Jill loves to eat so much, we’re together for almost 15 years and I just know how obsessed she is sa chicken sandwich ng mcdo. So, I bought her two with her favorite iced coffee. Kahit na mukhang hindi magandang idea ang kape ngayon, baka lalo sya kabahan.

“Can you walk faster? Ang haba haba ng bias mo, ang slow mo mag lakad.”

“Excuse you, Miss Jillian you’re so halata na gusto mo na akong makita,” I teased.

I heard her scoffed. “Huh? Huhtdog ka, Y/N. Make it fast! I want the chicken sandwich now!”

“What if i-hulog ko ‘to, joke.”

“Friendship over then! Just bring my food and you can alis na, bye!”

I giggled nang ibaba nya ang tawag dahil sa inis. Such a pikon kid.

I continued walking sa side dahil masyado nang maraming tao sa gitna, ang aga pa pero dumadagsa na ang tao. Sabagay, hindi na kataka taka dahil alam kong marami talaga ang nag mamahal kay Tita. The night Jill told me about Vice President Leni Robredo, her mom having a rally I just know maraming tao ang pupunta rito.

While I was walking, my phone vibrated. It’s my secretary.

 It’s my secretary

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