Stay Away From Love..

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Stay away from love, my dear

Of all the things you should beware,

Stay away from Love

It is poison in its purest form,

Like a skilled spider

Love lures you into its silken web

Like Poison it spreads through your veins

At a rate, that even light doesn't know

It strikes the heart, then the mind

Like a python constricting its prey,

It constricts your heart

Your logic won't stand a chance

For love clouds your judgment

It merges with your blood

Like the poison, the sweet poison

Making your heart skip beats

Your breath at a faster feat

Love gives you wings, my dear

Wings you aren't worthy of

It takes you past the seven seas

Fairyland's that no one sees,

Higher and higher over the moon

And in one cruel moment,

It lets you go

It won't care, my dear

How broken it makes you

It drives you to the cliff edge

Though it never nudges you

You would jump,

For the poison whispers in your heart

And you listen

Beware of love, my dear

It comes with the freshness of the flowers

Like the dewdrop during the breaking dawn

It is death, my dear

An illusion; a disappearing act.

Stay away from love, my dear

For it will drive you to an early grave.

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