A Daisy In The Wind [1]

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NOTE: Apparently there are some parts that keep repeating in this short story that Wattpad keeps messing with for the readers. I've tried to fix it, I unpublished and republished it but it's still not working for some reason? Please let me know if your version also repeats some parts :).

It whipped passed his face as he ran deeper and deeper into the forest, away from his old training ground and the small shack he used to stay in for safety. He was no longer safe staying there and he needed to make a quick exit as to not disturb the surrounding houses of the petite village.

Cursing under his breath, he twisted around and blocked some flying projectiles and continued running. This was nothing, he barely ran out of breath, his body completely adapted from years of pushing his limits. He ducked into the leaves of a bush and watched as the rogue ninjas ran passed him.

Letting out a grumble when he could no longer sense them in the surrounding areas, Uchiha Sasuke stood up and dusted his cloak, blowing his hair out of his face with a small puff. His purple eye glowed slightly before becoming dull again as his other eye returned to its normal state.

Sheathing his katana, he took to the trees again but decided to travel west — the opposite direction from which he came — to avoid bumping into rogue ninjas once again. Although, he didn't mind the occasional chase, it became extremely boring when his opponents were so gullible as to chase a mere clone instead of realizing that the Uchiha was long gone.

With no destination in sight, he continued running towards nothing, hoping to come across a village or even a clearing that he could stay in for as long as he wanted.

Konoha was still an option for him, a place for him to return to, but he refused to wander back into the village even if his best friend — who was now the leader of the rather large village — welcomed him back with open arms. The villagers didn't warm up to him so easily and he didn't plan on treating them kindly either.

Deep in thought, and as night was nearing, Sasuke stopped near a river to set up camp. It would have to do for the night but he wouldn't complain. Dipping his hands into the cold water, he made note to change the bandages around his transplanted arm before he made rest for the night.

The crinkle of the fire accompanied with the song of the night critters filled his ears as he stared into the dancing flames. He absentmindedly picked at the fish he was eating, his mind far yet still focused as he sat there alone.

Sasuke needed to find a village, otherwise he would go mad from hearing the same sounds he's been surrounded with for years. The sound of the night and the fire, which resembled the state of his mind and heart as he continued his atonement trip.

Whatever that meant.

In reality, he just needed to be away from everyone and everything that he was familiar with. Resting his back against a tree, he allowed himself to fall into a state of slumber, his mind still alert in case of an attack.

He needed to get out of the woods.


He walked through the crowded streets, his face blank, not betraying his emotions as he became comforted with the constant sound that surrounded him. His cloak and katana were discarded in a nearby inn but his kunai pouch still remained attached to his hip. The dark suit he was wearing — sans the jacket — made him stand out slightly but no one looked at him for more than a few seconds.

They didn't know him here, which meant no one posed an immediate threat. He was grateful for the slight peace he could feel even as his mind bombarded him with useless worries of a future attack in the village.

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