chpter:8 (i hate to love you)

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johnny pov:

"i do to" she whispered into my ear, i wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek. "lets go back inside" i say and smile "yeah" we both walk inside and sit down together "so- we saw what happened" randy managed to get out while laughing slightly "wait their together!?" reggies eyes widened "its not official.. yet" i glare at (y/n), smirking. javier looked at (y/n) then at me "why do i feel like there's something going on between javier and randy?" (y/n) whispered to me "probably is" i shrug

*a few hours later*

javier finishes his game and yawns "well i'm going to bed. goodnight!" he says as he goes up the stairs "yeah me to" (y/n) waves goodbye as she goes up the stairs to "see i told you guys!" chet exclaims "fine heres your 10 bucks" randy hands him some money "chet what did you bet now?" i groan "that you and (y/n) would get together" chet puts on a dumb, evil smirk while putting his money in a jar "whatever. there was 1 in a million chances" chip says "yeah, yeah suree" chet replies jumping into his chair

"Well I'm going upstairs, night guys" i say and run up the stairs "night!" they shout back as i go into my room and yawn. "i can't believe i did it.." i mutter and sit down on the edge of the bed "well, at least it didn't go bad" i shrug and drift off to sleep.

(y/n) pov:

i was laying on my bed watching tv, i open my window and sigh 'was he telling the truth?' i think to myself and try to fall to sleep. I decided to go downstairs where randy, chet and reggie were "wheres chip gone?" i ask while sitting down "he got tired" randy replies, looking up from his phone "you okay? we thought you was asleep?" reggie asked "i can't sleep, i just keep overthinking" i sigh "it's about johnny isn't it?" chet says

"yeah. i just keep wondering if what he said was true.." i look down and put my arms on top of my legs "look i've known johnny since middle school, dating him will be a little hard.. of course he does love you but there is a lot of reasons why it will be hard. for 1: he's very popular and surrounded by girls half the time, 2: he's the president of the best frat on campus! but he will always love you" chet catches his breath after saying his inspiring speech "woah.. uh thanks chet" i awkwardly thank him "no problem" he smiles

"yeah dating johnny is hard. he's dated like 3 girls before and they didn't last long, though one of the girls were just using him for money" reggie rolls his eyes at the last part "wait what?!" my eyes widen "he got used for money. he soon found out, he's smart like that" reggie explains and i sigh again "well we should probably go to sleep, it's midnight" randy points at the clock and we all go upstairs "and (y/n) don't worry about johnny. i'm sure he loves you" chet says while opening his door and going in "heh. thanks" i whisper and go into my room

i close my door and notice something moved "huh?" i look around, confused but just shrug it off and flop onto my bed, soon falling to sleep

- in the morning -

i wake up and yawn, looking at the time: 8:45. i groan and get out of my bed, letting the blanket slowly slide off me 'i really don't want to wake up' i think to myself and sigh. i open my door and go downstairs, not a lot of them were awake it was just randy, chet and javier "oh morning" chet smiles, noticing me walking up to the empty chair "feeling any better?" randy looks at me, concerned "eh, a bit. still questioning it though" i shrug "what happened?" javier looks a bit worried "nothing, just wondering if johnny meant what he said.." i sigh and lay my chin on my legs, with my arms covered around them

"look half of us have known johnny for a long time, i know he means it. it's been a while since he loved someone like you so their is a 95% chance he meant it" javier explains and i just look at him with a little bit of annoyance "i got the same speech off chet, y'know that?" i chuckle and look away "one thing you'll find about us is that we all make stupid speeches" chet laughs and randy giggles slightly

you're my type of scary johnny worthington x readerWhere stories live. Discover now