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Here is the place where you can play games with your words.

If you have an idea for a game put it here.

Correction!: I voluntarily (and involuntarily) slipped mistakes in this book. If you find one, mention it in the comments and I'll give you points (the winner will be mentioned in the credits). The first one who find one gets the point for it. (I will fix them as we go, so there shouldn't be that much confusion.) I haven't decided the point system yet, I'm still working on it. It doesn't count the comments as I don't have all powers over comments and I can't correct them. Things that counts as a mistake to correct: Mispelling, typos, misgendering (most of the pronoums should be in they/them as it talks about everyone), grammar, punctuation, etc.

Story Relay: Someone starts a story, then someone else add a paragraph and so on and so on until someone says the end of the story. I will create a 'Story relay archives' when the first story will be done, so you could see them again.

Roleplay: I'm not sure how we could play that, but I thought it would be fun. So for now it's freestyle roleplay.

That's Nonsense: The first one to play gives a real or fake fact about something that they are certain about it. The one who plays next say if it's real or fake by saying 'I believe you' when they think it's real and 'that's nonsense' when they think it's fake. Then the first one tells the truth that they know. Next someone else will say a fact and the game continues. (The rule saying not talk about politics, religions and actuality still applies here. I'm gonna give an exception for the medical field, but it needs to be a fact that happened before the year 2000.)

The Counting Game: This game is simple, your goal is to go to 100 together. However, if two people say the same number or if you skip a number, you'll need to start again. (I might also decide to mess it up a little...)

The Neighbor Upstairs: In this game, you'll say something you like about the person who wrote a comment before you. It could be something they wrote, their profile pictures, their background, or anything you know about them. Then someone will reply to your comment by stating something they like about you.

The Neighbor Downstairs: For this game, you'll need to tell something about the person who will write next which you think might include them. It shouldn't be something obvious that includes everyone (like 'The person who write next is alive' or 'I don't know who will be the person who writes next') or no one (like 'the next person is already dead' or 'nobody knows the person downstairs'). The person who writes next say if it's true or false, then does the same with their neighbor downstairs. Ex. Person 1: My downstairs neighbor has a dog.  Person 2: Well, we had, but she ran away... My neighbor downstairs wake up early in the morning.

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